Hi! Well, I can really write too much now, I am about to leave to eat, but anyways. Well, this new template doesn't have a comment link under each thread. So, from now on, just comment on my chat box, thankies!
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Saturday, May 27, 2006
A GREAT Surprise!
Well, today we went to Michaels (a craft store). I went there to buy some netting, but instead bought more shells! I got alot of green and blue turbos and others, along with some whale eyes!! I also got a Babylon Areola, the shell Qwerty is in, only it's not polished and is a little bigger, which is great!! There were either 13 or 14 good hermit crab shells that I got out of that package, and I am very happy with that.
Well, anyways, I was in my room a while ago. I heard a shell "CLEEENK!" onto the glass and knew one of my hermies had fallen. So I checked to see who is was (to make sure that they are okay) and it was PEANUT!!! Peanut was out and about! I got some snap shots of him, too! WOO! You go Peanut! I am so proud of him for being more adventurous!
Here's the pics I got of him:

He was about to climb up, but I think he saw me and decided to hide a bit...

Then I guess he decided I was safe and then started climbing up agian! :D
So, here he is agian, climbing up! I like this picture:

And here's a picture of Qwerty's "back side", lol:

Yep! Lot's of pictures today!!!
Well, I better go. :D
Well, anyways, I was in my room a while ago. I heard a shell "CLEEENK!" onto the glass and knew one of my hermies had fallen. So I checked to see who is was (to make sure that they are okay) and it was PEANUT!!! Peanut was out and about! I got some snap shots of him, too! WOO! You go Peanut! I am so proud of him for being more adventurous!
Here's the pics I got of him:

He was about to climb up, but I think he saw me and decided to hide a bit...

Then I guess he decided I was safe and then started climbing up agian! :D
So, here he is agian, climbing up! I like this picture:

And here's a picture of Qwerty's "back side", lol:

Yep! Lot's of pictures today!!!
Well, I better go. :D
+New Pictures+

Well, last night I saw that my crabbies were all out! To my surprise, even shy Peanut was out!!! Here's a snap shot of Gumbo. He was falling when i took this picture! lol, he had slipped, so it looks kind of like he is floating. :P
Then here's a [bad] picture of Qwerty (the camera wasn't focussing the way I wanted it to):

Okay, this one is a very rare picture of Peanut that you are about to see. I only have 3 good picures of him, and this is one of the best:

TADAH! Ain't is great? I love it! He's all pinky orange!!! lol. He's getting less shy, just a little. I am trying to get him used to seeing me walk across the front of the tank. It doesn't take him as long to come out anymore!!! :) YAY!
(click on the pic for a larger verson)
Well, after reading an artical on the HCA about how much bacteria can grow down in your tank, I am taking the writers advice and getting some gravel and crab soil today. See, what you so is put a layer of gravel on the bottom of the tank, then the crab soil. Then you put the sand on top. This keep the bacteria from forming as quickly. Click here to view the thread.
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Nature Pictures!

I few days ago I was out taking some pictures (not realated to crabs, sorry). Here's some of them that I liked best. I have some sun-set ones also, but I haven't downloaded them on here, yet:

Not sure if I like this one, it looks like and Alien close-up with it's alien clan behind it. lol-->

<--I LOVE this one!!!
Well, that's it for now!!!

Click the kitty icon to get a link to my friend's webblog!!!
Well, all is good in crabby world. Peanut was moving around in the second level ISO. I think he is bored and is just about ready to get out of ISO. Maybe this evenig I will TRY to inspect him and then put him in the main tank. (this crab is so stubborn, and the most shy. I am telling you it takes him 30 minutes to come out of his shell!! It's horrible to have to sit there and sit there until he comes out. it took me forever to get his picture!)
OOPS! I really have to go!
Sunday, May 21, 2006
Wow, new templates EVERYWHERE!

This is a link to Hermit Crab Addiction. They have a new template now, it's really neat! I like it better than the old one, it's cooler looking!!! Also, Hermit Crab Paradise now has a new template, which I also think is cooler than it's older one!! We, meaning Hermit Crab Paradise, also got a new logo, which I really like (click it to lead to the site):

It's a hermie shell! It's cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am pretty bored right now. I am going to surf the net and visit another blog to check for updates.
Saturday, May 20, 2006
Crab In The CocoHut
Eco Earth: Brought To Attention!
Hello, I was browsing on HCA and found a post on a thread that seemed important. It is about Eco Eath, aka EE. Here it is:
"Forest Bed from TRexForest Bed - TRex Expandable Substrate. Pure Coconut Fibers, 100% Organic. Highly Absorbent, Control odors. Easily spot cleaned. Non Toxic and Pest Free. Forest Bed is an expandable substrate perfect for tropical type vivaria. Compressed for easy storage, Forest Bed will expand in water to nearly 8 times the bedding material. Forest Bed has an incredible capacity for holding moisture is non-toxic and odorless. Mfg: T-Rex T-Rex Products Size: 4 x 8 x 2 inches For: Reptiles, Amphibians, Hermit Crabs, turtles
It really doesn't matter what brand of bedding it is so long as it is 100% COCONUT FIBER!!! Unfortunately, ECO EARTH has stopped indicating that it is 100% coconut fiber, it is still mostly coconut fiber, but there is other deliterous material mixed in! SuperPets sells the improper kind since the new year, as I found out by buying some. You will notice that it is a much lighter and redder color than 100% coconut fiber! "
This was quoted from "ChestersMom" under the thread in Emergency called "Rash of Bacterial Infections - Melafix Cautionary Statement."
.Please click link to see the thread.
Anyways, I decided to change the font of this post for once.
I saw Peanut up and eating his exo yesterday night!! It was cool, so he is still doign well. I have some fresh water for him. I need to find another dish for the salt water...!
Yesterday I moved my tank a bit so I cold see under it. I DID see Little Red in his hole, how cute. A few days ago Hollywood Dug even more in his hole and now like HALF of the cocohut it covered in sand! He's going to have to dig a lot to get out!!
I saw a small glance of Gumbo/Pancho yesterday. But that was it. He was coming out of the coconut hut.
"Forest Bed from TRexForest Bed - TRex Expandable Substrate. Pure Coconut Fibers, 100% Organic. Highly Absorbent, Control odors. Easily spot cleaned. Non Toxic and Pest Free. Forest Bed is an expandable substrate perfect for tropical type vivaria. Compressed for easy storage, Forest Bed will expand in water to nearly 8 times the bedding material. Forest Bed has an incredible capacity for holding moisture is non-toxic and odorless. Mfg: T-Rex T-Rex Products Size: 4 x 8 x 2 inches For: Reptiles, Amphibians, Hermit Crabs, turtles
It really doesn't matter what brand of bedding it is so long as it is 100% COCONUT FIBER!!! Unfortunately, ECO EARTH has stopped indicating that it is 100% coconut fiber, it is still mostly coconut fiber, but there is other deliterous material mixed in! SuperPets sells the improper kind since the new year, as I found out by buying some. You will notice that it is a much lighter and redder color than 100% coconut fiber! "
This was quoted from "ChestersMom" under the thread in Emergency called "Rash of Bacterial Infections - Melafix Cautionary Statement."
.Please click link to see the thread.
Anyways, I decided to change the font of this post for once.
I saw Peanut up and eating his exo yesterday night!! It was cool, so he is still doign well. I have some fresh water for him. I need to find another dish for the salt water...!
Yesterday I moved my tank a bit so I cold see under it. I DID see Little Red in his hole, how cute. A few days ago Hollywood Dug even more in his hole and now like HALF of the cocohut it covered in sand! He's going to have to dig a lot to get out!!
I saw a small glance of Gumbo/Pancho yesterday. But that was it. He was coming out of the coconut hut.
Thursday, May 18, 2006
!!! Happpy!!!!

Okay, this is AWESOME!!!!! It is THE COOLEST THINGIE EVA! Whoever made it has a really good mind. Oh, to see it click the boom box! Oh, if the link doesn't work, click here: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-5503582578132361295&q=animusic
All the crabs are good. Although I am getting worried. Yesterday I was moving a cocohut and Peanut was behind it. So I pick him up to move him out of the way and PLOP! He's exo was hanging out! So I placed him in the spare 10 gallon. Then I moved him to the main tank, then moved him to the second level of the main tank and removed the ladder (so the other crabs cran't get to him). I am scared becasue he hasn't moved at all. I know he's in there because i saw his claw, but I haven't seen him peek out at all. I know I probably stressed him out a lot since I moved him so much, and I feel bad...I hope he makes it! He is so cute.
OMGOSHNESS! I just checked on him and he is eating his exo! He's still in his shell, but exo was in his big pincher, and I felt him move. So I will leave him a long now, now that I know he is okay. YAY! I am so happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
A little Sad, but i got PICS!
I am kind of sad because yesterday I was trying to make my template be a picture of my crab, it worked, sorda. But I didn't like it. So now I lost ALL of my edits: links, chatbox and all the links IN my chat box. :( Oh well.
I got pictures of Gumbo/Pancho!!!!!! They're not so great because I was in a hurry, but here they are:

Okay, not the greatest pics, but like I said, I was in a hurry. I wil get better pictures when he comes up from molting/de-stressing.
Last night he was at the food dish for EVER! I saw him eating, like taking BIG spoon fulls of food with his mini claw! I feel good knowing SOME ONE likes my food!! It was bananna, carrots, almonds, egg shells...that's all I can rememebr. There was probably more in there, but whatever.
I am kind of sad because yesterday I was trying to make my template be a picture of my crab, it worked, sorda. But I didn't like it. So now I lost ALL of my edits: links, chatbox and all the links IN my chat box. :( Oh well.
I got pictures of Gumbo/Pancho!!!!!! They're not so great because I was in a hurry, but here they are:

Okay, not the greatest pics, but like I said, I was in a hurry. I wil get better pictures when he comes up from molting/de-stressing.
Last night he was at the food dish for EVER! I saw him eating, like taking BIG spoon fulls of food with his mini claw! I feel good knowing SOME ONE likes my food!! It was bananna, carrots, almonds, egg shells...that's all I can rememebr. There was probably more in there, but whatever.
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
New Hermie News!
I was so happy this morning! I woke up and looked over at my hermit crab tank. I saw Qwerty over at the shell cubby and see a weird looking shell. It was PANCHO'S/GUMBO'S SHELL (I am not sure of names yet...)!!! I was like, what? Because I know I saw movement in the cocohut that P/G was in...So I lift up the coconut shell and their P/G is!! He was in the the big whale eye shell!!!!! It fit perfectly!! And it looked good on him too. I am sorry I have no pictures, I didn't want to disturb him any more than what I had. I left him in peace.
I took out the old painted shell, since Qwerty was starting to check it out and make me nervous. But I am SO HAPPY!
Hmmm, what do you like better as a name: Pancho or Gumbo? Maybe I will just call him P/G! That's kinda catchy...! (Like, PG as in the movie rating, not saying "P slash G", lol, just spelling it that way)
I am serious, I think Qwerty is really bored. He's just loafing around the tank trying to have fun. He keeps going in this same spot on the wood peice just sits there looking at me saying "This is a drag." :( I bought P/G as a friend for him and now P/G is molting too. Poor Qwerty. I better fo play with him and cheer him up.
I took out the old painted shell, since Qwerty was starting to check it out and make me nervous. But I am SO HAPPY!
Hmmm, what do you like better as a name: Pancho or Gumbo? Maybe I will just call him P/G! That's kinda catchy...! (Like, PG as in the movie rating, not saying "P slash G", lol, just spelling it that way)
I am serious, I think Qwerty is really bored. He's just loafing around the tank trying to have fun. He keeps going in this same spot on the wood peice just sits there looking at me saying "This is a drag." :( I bought P/G as a friend for him and now P/G is molting too. Poor Qwerty. I better fo play with him and cheer him up.
Sunday, May 14, 2006
Saturday, May 13, 2006
i can't wait!
YAY! I can't wait! Tomorrow I will be getting at least one new crab. I am hoping to get 2 more, actually (one for Hollywood and one for Peanut). I was over at Petland today and all they had were Ruggies, which, I don't want because of our weather where I live is so "up-and-downish".
Tomorrow I will go to Petsmart, they have all PPs, small and large, they have pretty good conditions, although their humdity is low, 40%. Still, they try. So I will be going there soon! I can't wait! I want them NOW, lol.
I will have to get pictures, we put in new batteries for the camera so it's already to go.
The bonding "classes" with Qwerty is really working! I have had him out about4 times today, and he is getting use to me. He likes climbing up my arm which makes me nervous that he'll fall. And he did, but I was sitting down on the floor so he didn't really even seem to care. Now he walks right onto my hand.
OOoOO! This is a funny story. Okay, I had Qwerty out and he was on the flor and I layed my hand down in front of him. He turned around and moved his eye stalks so they were looking at my hand and started walking that way. So then he got to my hand, put 2 legs on them truned around and left me! I was dissed by my own crab! lol! It was really funny.
Tomorrow I will go to Petsmart, they have all PPs, small and large, they have pretty good conditions, although their humdity is low, 40%. Still, they try. So I will be going there soon! I can't wait! I want them NOW, lol.
I will have to get pictures, we put in new batteries for the camera so it's already to go.
The bonding "classes" with Qwerty is really working! I have had him out about4 times today, and he is getting use to me. He likes climbing up my arm which makes me nervous that he'll fall. And he did, but I was sitting down on the floor so he didn't really even seem to care. Now he walks right onto my hand.
OOoOO! This is a funny story. Okay, I had Qwerty out and he was on the flor and I layed my hand down in front of him. He turned around and moved his eye stalks so they were looking at my hand and started walking that way. So then he got to my hand, put 2 legs on them truned around and left me! I was dissed by my own crab! lol! It was really funny.
Friday, May 12, 2006
Hermit Crab Bonding!

I am trying to get my crabs use to being held agian. They use to just walk onto my hand and I could carry them practically anywhere. Now they don't even walk onto my hands. I am a little sad about that, so now I have set a schedule. I am going to take them out (at keast) every evening at 6:00 and have some "getting-picked-up-practice" lol!!!
This morning I was happy and sad at the same time. I looked at the tank and all my crabs but Qwerty were dug down. Now I will have to just have play time with Qwerty. But this gives me a chance to buy another crab with a good excuse "Qwerty is all alone and needs a friend." Not only is it s good excuse, but is also very true!! Hermeis are highky social (who ever named the HERMIT crab was so way off).
Poor Qwerty was just sitting in the middle of the tank...alone. :(
I NEED pictures!! Okay, okay, I will take some of the newly arranged crabby tank.


Anyways, while I was cleaning up, I saw Peanut! He must not have stayed under. But he is cute. I haven't seen his face since the week I brought him home. I never comes out which almost makes me wish I had bought another crab...but I couldn't. At Meijer (the place I bought him ) he was the first crab I saw and I said "i have to get him, he's so cute. I can't just leave him!" Even though there was like, 8 other crabs AT LEAST to choose from. But anyways, I am stuck with him! He's cute, but very shy. Good thing I have made a bonding schedule, he will HAVE to take place in it!! Poor crab.
Well, I better go! See ya! (gosh it feels like I should be doing homework or something, but nothing was assigned because of the play...)
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Hi!!! I am saying hi!!
I have to go in like, 5 minutes!!! I need to go to bed. Anyways, I added the big peice of wood to my tank and took out the big rock and replaced it with another cocohut.

So true...lol!
Feeding crabs: coconut, tulips, grapes, carrots (oh shoot, i forgot to add the egg shells!!)
My temp. has been higher than usual lately! YAY! It's a 78 F! :) I am happy. Well, g2g take a shower then go watch a show then go to bed (oh, and feed the crabs).
I have to go in like, 5 minutes!!! I need to go to bed. Anyways, I added the big peice of wood to my tank and took out the big rock and replaced it with another cocohut.

So true...lol!
Feeding crabs: coconut, tulips, grapes, carrots (oh shoot, i forgot to add the egg shells!!)
My temp. has been higher than usual lately! YAY! It's a 78 F! :) I am happy. Well, g2g take a shower then go watch a show then go to bed (oh, and feed the crabs).
Monday, May 08, 2006
Members at HCA were...

Members at Hermit Crab Association were getting a little out of hand about My Space.com, lol, in a good, funny way!
Picture made by:
Lakota Robinson
As you can see, the wonderful crab model we hired to model our wonderful picket sign, is mad at My Space.com for no particalar reason. ;) *wink*
Nothing much to say. I am feeding my crabs mango, carrots and hopefully more tulips!
Sunday, May 07, 2006
Trash Pets Petition
I got this from a friend off of HCA.(the email address is my friend's) Please read:
Did you know that 66 million animals die every year because they are not cared for correctly? Did you know that that's 6 times more than all the people who died in the Holocaust? Regular people like you or sombody you know are buying small animals every day without knowing how to properly care for them. Pet stores tell owners that their animal will live under the wrong conditions for a short amount of time, when the animal people are actually buying should live for about 15 years, depending on the animal. Almost every person has bought a pet like this at one time or another in their life. When animals are sold this way they are called "trash" pets. Most "trash" pets die before the age of 3 and die a slow and pain full death. Even when people try to do research for caring for their new pet correctly they find miss leading books and websites that say their animal will live for 20 years under horrible conditions. Ever since about the 50's people have been buying pets in this fashion of impulse sales. The sales of "trash" pets fool people because they have such a small price tag when buying the animal itself, but when you add up all the costs that you "should" be spending on this living creature they can well be over $100. People don't relies that such small critters can cost so much. To get a full feel for the "trash" pet trade just go to this site, geocities.com/nottrashpets. If you want to stop the mass killing of animals please sign this petition. When you sign please put your full name and email address. What it means to sign is that you understand what a trash pet is and will not take part in keeping an animal this way from this day forth. You will spread the word of "trash" pets to help it become a household word. Lastly when you sign this petition you are saying you will not buy and products that endorse the keeping of any animal poorly so that it has a shortened life. If you get this email and it will have your signature as 300 please email it back to me, (blaze88@gmail.com) but don't stop there. If you receive this email with more than 300 signatures keep sending it on and email me again if you see 500 signatures. Again, don't stop at 500 but email me again wneh your signature is the 700th and email be again when you are at 1000.
1. Sara Elizabeth Ann Taylor (Blaze88@gmail.com)
2. Jillian B.
Please pass this email on. Do not just forward, copy and paste so more people will read this. Please do email it to me if there are 300 signatures. Nothing "bad" will happen to you if you don't pass this on like so many other emails, but think about all the lives you will be saving if you tell as many people as possible. Lastly think of all the 66 million animals you have let down if you do not pass this on. Thank you.
Did you know that 66 million animals die every year because they are not cared for correctly? Did you know that that's 6 times more than all the people who died in the Holocaust? Regular people like you or sombody you know are buying small animals every day without knowing how to properly care for them. Pet stores tell owners that their animal will live under the wrong conditions for a short amount of time, when the animal people are actually buying should live for about 15 years, depending on the animal. Almost every person has bought a pet like this at one time or another in their life. When animals are sold this way they are called "trash" pets. Most "trash" pets die before the age of 3 and die a slow and pain full death. Even when people try to do research for caring for their new pet correctly they find miss leading books and websites that say their animal will live for 20 years under horrible conditions. Ever since about the 50's people have been buying pets in this fashion of impulse sales. The sales of "trash" pets fool people because they have such a small price tag when buying the animal itself, but when you add up all the costs that you "should" be spending on this living creature they can well be over $100. People don't relies that such small critters can cost so much. To get a full feel for the "trash" pet trade just go to this site, geocities.com/nottrashpets. If you want to stop the mass killing of animals please sign this petition. When you sign please put your full name and email address. What it means to sign is that you understand what a trash pet is and will not take part in keeping an animal this way from this day forth. You will spread the word of "trash" pets to help it become a household word. Lastly when you sign this petition you are saying you will not buy and products that endorse the keeping of any animal poorly so that it has a shortened life. If you get this email and it will have your signature as 300 please email it back to me, (blaze88@gmail.com) but don't stop there. If you receive this email with more than 300 signatures keep sending it on and email me again if you see 500 signatures. Again, don't stop at 500 but email me again wneh your signature is the 700th and email be again when you are at 1000.
1. Sara Elizabeth Ann Taylor (Blaze88@gmail.com)
2. Jillian B.
Please pass this email on. Do not just forward, copy and paste so more people will read this. Please do email it to me if there are 300 signatures. Nothing "bad" will happen to you if you don't pass this on like so many other emails, but think about all the lives you will be saving if you tell as many people as possible. Lastly think of all the 66 million animals you have let down if you do not pass this on. Thank you.
Today's Menue
Today I am feeding my crabs: dandelion, tulips, carrots, baby spinach, almonds; and for the side dish: eggs, turkey, brocholli buds. And to tie it all together, they all have some crushed eggs shells in them. Yum! Hope they like!
I was so excited when I saw that our tulips were dying off. I collected the petals from the ground that had fallen off already. Something new for the crabbies!
Little Red is still in his new turbo shell. He must like it, he along with Hollywood, were over at the shell cubby this morning.
Oh yes! I almost forgot, I added Qwerty to the main tank. He is doing good I think. I bathed him with the other crabs and everything went good. He went straught for the shell cubby and was climbing on the plants. Now I have no idea where he is! I decided to move him to the main tank becuase he was crawling all around in the ISO and was being very active, like he was looking for his crabby friends. :)
I rearranged the tank a little bit. I haven't taken any pictures yet! I added the second water dish to he tank. Now I have salt water and fresh water in there, yay!!! I also moved my big food dish under neath the big ramp, it fits perfectly! The crabs like it there, so now they feel safe when they eat.
I keep seeing Peanut on his back stretching way out to flip over. It's a little worrying, but I think he is okay. I turned his back over and now he is on his back again, but wasn't stretching out. I read that sometimes crabs go on their back to molt...still, it's weird to me. I hope he is okay.
I feel an urg to buy another crab! My dad wants to get Daisy (our puppy) a new collar. Over at the Complete Petmart they have some good ones he seemed to like. Maybe we will go over there. I want to go to SOME pet store! I got 10 dollars from my Aunt a few days ago and want to buy something. I am hoping to be lucky and find a cavipe or two, I really like them, they have such wonderful colors!
I was so excited when I saw that our tulips were dying off. I collected the petals from the ground that had fallen off already. Something new for the crabbies!
Little Red is still in his new turbo shell. He must like it, he along with Hollywood, were over at the shell cubby this morning.
Oh yes! I almost forgot, I added Qwerty to the main tank. He is doing good I think. I bathed him with the other crabs and everything went good. He went straught for the shell cubby and was climbing on the plants. Now I have no idea where he is! I decided to move him to the main tank becuase he was crawling all around in the ISO and was being very active, like he was looking for his crabby friends. :)
I rearranged the tank a little bit. I haven't taken any pictures yet! I added the second water dish to he tank. Now I have salt water and fresh water in there, yay!!! I also moved my big food dish under neath the big ramp, it fits perfectly! The crabs like it there, so now they feel safe when they eat.
I keep seeing Peanut on his back stretching way out to flip over. It's a little worrying, but I think he is okay. I turned his back over and now he is on his back again, but wasn't stretching out. I read that sometimes crabs go on their back to molt...still, it's weird to me. I hope he is okay.
I feel an urg to buy another crab! My dad wants to get Daisy (our puppy) a new collar. Over at the Complete Petmart they have some good ones he seemed to like. Maybe we will go over there. I want to go to SOME pet store! I got 10 dollars from my Aunt a few days ago and want to buy something. I am hoping to be lucky and find a cavipe or two, I really like them, they have such wonderful colors!
Saturday, May 06, 2006
Yes! At Last!
I woke up this morning and went over to the crab tank. There was a big pile of sand under the grapvine wood! Then I saw a Gold Mouth Tubo in there too! I was like "WOOO! A shell change!" II decided to take him out and inspect him....I know, I should have just left him alone, but I was still pondering the idea of ISOing him, Hollywood was walking around and he is known for digging up molters. He's done it at least 3 times.
Well, I took the crab out of it's cubby and saw who it was: Little Red! Of all crabs, the picky shell one changes shells!!!! I was like, wow! It was cool. I put him in the ISO, but he looked like he was about to go panic, so he's in the main tank now. Last time I saw him he was inspecting a way too small shell in the shell cubby. I'll get pics soon.
Qwerty is getting darker by the day, and his exo is almost all the way eaten. I can't wait until I can add him to the 20 gal!! He hasn't been in it yet. Maybe he will change shells, he hasn't seen any of the new shells either.
The tank humdity is currentlu at 70% and the temperature is at 68 degrees F! That's way low! It'll heat up in an hour at the most. The sun is coming up and it feels warmer. It was freezing last night! My parents had their windows open!
Well, I took the crab out of it's cubby and saw who it was: Little Red! Of all crabs, the picky shell one changes shells!!!! I was like, wow! It was cool. I put him in the ISO, but he looked like he was about to go panic, so he's in the main tank now. Last time I saw him he was inspecting a way too small shell in the shell cubby. I'll get pics soon.
Qwerty is getting darker by the day, and his exo is almost all the way eaten. I can't wait until I can add him to the 20 gal!! He hasn't been in it yet. Maybe he will change shells, he hasn't seen any of the new shells either.
The tank humdity is currentlu at 70% and the temperature is at 68 degrees F! That's way low! It'll heat up in an hour at the most. The sun is coming up and it feels warmer. It was freezing last night! My parents had their windows open!
Friday, May 05, 2006
Hi! I am sorry for all the shortish posts! I just haven't had the time, or wasn't in the mood for typing something long. Anyways, there's been a lot of stuff happening!
As I told you, I bought a bunch of new shells! Still no changes, but I saw Little Red and Hollywood snooping around at the shell cubby last night. And just now I saw a whole bunch of shells just scattered out of the cubby. They must have been trying them on or getting them out of their way; lol, it's funny to think about a crab moving a shell out of its way!!!
Peanut hasn't switched yet either. I was hoping he would, the shell he has now is too big. Maybe he likes it? I guess if he liked it, them he doesn't have to change.
Qwerty is, like I said, up from molting. he has been up for around a week. He is deffinatally getting darker, a good sign his exo is growing back! Yay!
None of the crabbies have been spotted in the second level for a while! Hollywood was on the ramp in the cocohut. I don't know where Little Red is, or Peanut! But I do know all my crabs (besides Qwerty) are about to molt! Hollywood is digging, Little Red is digging and so is Peanut!!! The tank was dug up the last time I checked (about 10 minutes ago). I guess there's really no need for ISOing right now since they are all about to molt.
I need pictures!
I will have to take some more.
Here's my OLD tank!! See my crabbie socks? So wonderful, huh? lol! I love them.
As I told you, I bought a bunch of new shells! Still no changes, but I saw Little Red and Hollywood snooping around at the shell cubby last night. And just now I saw a whole bunch of shells just scattered out of the cubby. They must have been trying them on or getting them out of their way; lol, it's funny to think about a crab moving a shell out of its way!!!
Peanut hasn't switched yet either. I was hoping he would, the shell he has now is too big. Maybe he likes it? I guess if he liked it, them he doesn't have to change.
Qwerty is, like I said, up from molting. he has been up for around a week. He is deffinatally getting darker, a good sign his exo is growing back! Yay!
None of the crabbies have been spotted in the second level for a while! Hollywood was on the ramp in the cocohut. I don't know where Little Red is, or Peanut! But I do know all my crabs (besides Qwerty) are about to molt! Hollywood is digging, Little Red is digging and so is Peanut!!! The tank was dug up the last time I checked (about 10 minutes ago). I guess there's really no need for ISOing right now since they are all about to molt.
I need pictures!

Here's my OLD tank!! See my crabbie socks? So wonderful, huh? lol! I love them.
Thursday, May 04, 2006
More shells!
I bought MORE shells! i know, I am on a shell frezie! I can't help it. I bought these bunch over at Michales, a craft store. I got at leat 5 good shells. Some are too small for my crabs, so really theres at least 9!! Most of them are virgin murex's, which the crabs and I like, bust I also got about 4 turbos. No changes in shells yet, all the crabbies still are wearing the same shells.
well, g2g! (PS- Qwerty is up from molting!) I will write later, kinda busy now.
well, g2g! (PS- Qwerty is up from molting!) I will write later, kinda busy now.
Monday, May 01, 2006
The Shell Mission~Completed
Yes! I went to the farther ept store today (Jack's Aquarium and Pets) and bought 3 new shells for Peanut. They cost $5 all together (they were all in a bag). I was happy with my find!! The shells I got are: Virgin Murex, Babylon Spirata, and a Shark Eyes. So when Peanut comes up from molting, he will have a nice surprise!
In the tank, I added crabby soil to my second level. Hollyqood and Little Red have been up their already. I found Little Red in the new cocohut agian this morning.
In the tank, I added crabby soil to my second level. Hollyqood and Little Red have been up their already. I found Little Red in the new cocohut agian this morning.
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