I just feel like saying stuff.
My penpal mailed me a gift, I still haven't opened it. I mailed her one, too. Excpet i mailed it a little late...so she might get it the day after Christmas...oh well. She'll like it, I know!
I have started another journal! I filled up m y old one, it has A LOT of good stuff in it about school and everyone. Haha, people like Ellie and Wes, and all the stuff she wrote about him. LOL! Anyways....I am bored! My new journal is sooo cool! It has a water looking cover with crabs and shells on it (those scrapbooking stickers, you know, the 3D kind! I LOVE them bunches).
I am excited about getting my gifts! I know that's not what Christmas is about, I know it's about Jesus's birth, but I still like getting gifts. Now that I think about it, it completely makes no sense. If it's a celebration of Jesus's birth, why do WE get the gifts? My Bible teacher said that reall, what we "own" is really God's...soo...maybe that's what it was first ment to be. But now-a-days, it's just totally and completely about the gifts....
Hey, check out www.shockwave.com and click "Adventure" (on the left). Then go to page 10 and click "Fancy Pants Adventure" It's a reallllly cool game!!! I like it. it's completely pointless, but it's cute. :)
How is everyone's Christmas break going? I am having a grand time!
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Monday, December 18, 2006
YAY! Only three more days of school to go through until CHRISTMAS BREAK!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOT! I cannot wait!
Today, the school went and saw the Nativity Story (which I ADORED!!) It was really good, and the girl who plays marry looks like Alexa Vega who plays in Spy Kids. (haha) She is soooo pretty! And she was a really good actor. The guy who played Joseph, Ellie said looked like a grown up Wes. LOL!
At like, 3:30 when I was about to leave, Steven came over and wanted a chip from Ellie. She gave him one and I said "UHHG!" (in a teasing way) and I stuck out my hand. Ellie gave me a chip and I was glaring at Steven (in a teasing way, yet agian) and I lost my balance and the chip fell and my back pack came off and tipped over the plant. OMG, that was hilarious!!
Today, the school went and saw the Nativity Story (which I ADORED!!) It was really good, and the girl who plays marry looks like Alexa Vega who plays in Spy Kids. (haha) She is soooo pretty! And she was a really good actor. The guy who played Joseph, Ellie said looked like a grown up Wes. LOL!
At like, 3:30 when I was about to leave, Steven came over and wanted a chip from Ellie. She gave him one and I said "UHHG!" (in a teasing way) and I stuck out my hand. Ellie gave me a chip and I was glaring at Steven (in a teasing way, yet agian) and I lost my balance and the chip fell and my back pack came off and tipped over the plant. OMG, that was hilarious!!
Sunday, December 17, 2006
The Nativity Story
YESS! On Monday I am going to go see the Nativity Story!! I cannot wait. We are going as a middle school!! It's going to be a blast! Plus, next week is going to be all party, practically!!! YAY! We don't have school Friday, so Thursday is the last day till break! My sister is got of last Friday! UG!! No fair, all high schools are getting out really early! BOOO on them! BUT I am getting out a whole week earlier than her for summer break! ahhhh. So nice!!
My pen-pal Lita is emailing me agian! I AM HAPPY! We are good friends. She is from Washington and they got about 4 inches of snow a few weeks ago!! Lucky!! But I am sure we will get some snow soon, too. :)
My hermies are well! Hollywood is such a dark deep purple right now! I think all that cuttlebone is really helping him!! I am happy! Qwerty is digging up the tank, so he's going to molt soon, and Peanut is burried (i saw him under the glass yesterday) and I have no idea where Sprite is! EEK!! That little crabby!
Yesterday there was s small family gathering at my house. My grandma, 2 aunts and cousin came over. We had an early Christmas because my granny was going to Puerto Rico (today, actually) to visit her daught (my aunt who recently bought a condo there!). Sooo, my mom and grandma opened gifts (my mom's b-day is on the 20th). I got some gifts but I have to wait to open them! (I did open ONE gift. It's a fuzzy, EXTRA SQUISHY pillow that my granny made. It's like, SOOOOO comfy! I a, carrying it around the house. lol.
My pen-pal Lita is emailing me agian! I AM HAPPY! We are good friends. She is from Washington and they got about 4 inches of snow a few weeks ago!! Lucky!! But I am sure we will get some snow soon, too. :)
My hermies are well! Hollywood is such a dark deep purple right now! I think all that cuttlebone is really helping him!! I am happy! Qwerty is digging up the tank, so he's going to molt soon, and Peanut is burried (i saw him under the glass yesterday) and I have no idea where Sprite is! EEK!! That little crabby!
Yesterday there was s small family gathering at my house. My grandma, 2 aunts and cousin came over. We had an early Christmas because my granny was going to Puerto Rico (today, actually) to visit her daught (my aunt who recently bought a condo there!). Sooo, my mom and grandma opened gifts (my mom's b-day is on the 20th). I got some gifts but I have to wait to open them! (I did open ONE gift. It's a fuzzy, EXTRA SQUISHY pillow that my granny made. It's like, SOOOOO comfy! I a, carrying it around the house. lol.
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Sweet Avatar Hehe.

I am sooo bored! Hello! Sorry I haven't been on here in like FORRRR EVERRRR! Eeek! Well, I am here now. Look at that pic of a snow flake? Doesn't it rock?! Lol, I thought it was kind of funny. I have it as my IM avatar.
WEll, the crabs are good, they are looking healthier than ever since I started using cuttle bone more!! :) I am glad it's helping them! They are very active too. I think someone is going to molt becuase the tank keeps getting dug up!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's okay though.
Today is youth groups night. I might not go because today is like, my ONE FREE NIGHT of the school week! No basketball, no homework, ahhhhhhhh. So nice. I haven't been on here like, AT ALL this week, maybe 2 times at the most, but stilllllll!
My penpal mailed me a gift! I got it today! YAY!!! I haven't opened it yet, but I read the letter that she taped to it on the out side. I am waiting to open the rest til Christmas (12 more days, I think!)
Man, that song is annoying, but I loooove it! HAHAHAHHAHA! Anyone else out there no what I am talking about? ♥
I g2g.
God Bless,
Sunday, December 03, 2006
WANTED: A crabby background
I sooo want a crab template! I can't find one that works....if any one has a suggestion, PLEASE tell me! I am looking for a background that either has shells, crabs, or a beach scene. Thanks!
Friday, November 24, 2006
Hey peeps. I wasn't able to get on yesterday. We left for the "feast" at 1:44Pm, and before that I was just siting around with Oreo (Ellie's guinea pig, I am babysitting him). He is out right now, running around. Haha.
Yesterday was quite fun, really!! I will tell ya all about it later. Check this out, , it's another blog of mine...well, no it's of me, my sis and cousin. The 06 Chix.
Yesterday was quite fun, really!! I will tell ya all about it later. Check this out, , it's another blog of mine...well, no it's of me, my sis and cousin. The 06 Chix.
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
I am backkkk agian. YESSS! The bucks won the football game!!! :P I don't really care that much in the first place.
All the crabs are doing good! I redid their tank, which rocks! I realllly like it, it's a tank inside a tank, lol. I will post some pictures of it later, I don't feel like loading them up. Blah.
See ya!!!
~Editor~ PS- HAPPY ALMOST THANKSGIVING!!!!!!!!!!! How many of you ready for that TURKEY!?!?!?!?!?!?
All the crabs are doing good! I redid their tank, which rocks! I realllly like it, it's a tank inside a tank, lol. I will post some pictures of it later, I don't feel like loading them up. Blah.
See ya!!!
~Editor~ PS- HAPPY ALMOST THANKSGIVING!!!!!!!!!!! How many of you ready for that TURKEY!?!?!?!?!?!?
Thursday, November 16, 2006
I made this limerick about a guinea pig:
Hula-ing Cavy-----By ME!
There once was a cavy named Lance
He loved to sing and to dance
He sang and he swayed
And much was he paid
That hula-ing cavy named Lance
Well, I am bored!!!!!!! Well, not really. I could study for history...(county quiz/test tomorrow) and I could look over Bible(some huge test after thanksgiving, long ways away)....I could start my book report paper (due sometime in January I think, maybe Dec.)....I could read...I COULD DO A LOT OF STUFF!!!!!!!!
Bye for now, g2g. I need to take a shower.
O H!!!!!!!!!! I O!!!!!!!!!!! O H!!!!!!!!!! I O!!!!!!!!!!!! GO BUCKS!!!! *ROOOOOARRR*
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
So Busy.
I have been really busy lately. Volleyball is over (boo-hoo) and I am doing basketball now! I like b-ball, it's just a lot harder and more complex. It's a lot of work and very tiring too! I liek it, though.
Well, sadly, Gumbo died! Poor old thing. It's okay because he was suffering,

~R.I.P Squirt, you were so small, I love you too, bud, although I didn't have you for that long of a time♥: (Picture Coming)
I have to memorize 10 MORE of Ohio counties for schoooool. Uggggg! I do NOT like doing that! Lately I have been doing school stuff and going to otehr webbies. I have a lot to say, but I want to do other stuff. I want to check out Cavy Compendium.
Saturday, October 07, 2006
Hermit Crab Paradise!
Woot! I have put up a link-banner thingie for hermit crab paradise!! I am happy!!
A few days ago I was cleaning out my tank and found out that Squirt had died!!! I am really sad, but it's okay. I found him burried in a corner in his shell sitting there dead!!! I don't know what happened. He must of died from PPS (post purchase stress) I feel bad for him. He was doing just fine, too!!
Well, we put Cleo to sleep yesterday. I was at school, so it wasn't as sad. When my dad told me I thought i would be said and in shock or something...but really I'm not. I'm not depressed or anything. I think it's because Cleo is still here around me because I just don't feel like she's gone. It doesn't feel like I'll never see her agian, she's like, here! It's a really weird feeling, but....I don't feel empty.
Anyways, my mom seems sad about it. Cleo was her puppy just like Daisy is mine...:(
Anyways, I don't know what we are doing today....soooooooo yeah. I need to clean my fishie tank!!
A few days ago I was cleaning out my tank and found out that Squirt had died!!! I am really sad, but it's okay. I found him burried in a corner in his shell sitting there dead!!! I don't know what happened. He must of died from PPS (post purchase stress) I feel bad for him. He was doing just fine, too!!
Well, we put Cleo to sleep yesterday. I was at school, so it wasn't as sad. When my dad told me I thought i would be said and in shock or something...but really I'm not. I'm not depressed or anything. I think it's because Cleo is still here around me because I just don't feel like she's gone. It doesn't feel like I'll never see her agian, she's like, here! It's a really weird feeling, but....I don't feel empty.
Anyways, my mom seems sad about it. Cleo was her puppy just like Daisy is mine...:(
Anyways, I don't know what we are doing today....soooooooo yeah. I need to clean my fishie tank!!
Friday, September 29, 2006
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Crab Comic

I found that picture on the web and thought it was funny so I posted it.
Anyways, I tried taking a picture of lIttle Red in his new pearl turbo shell put it turned out funny. His legs were all blurry becuase he just kept wiggling!!
Here's an

Soooo, bye for now I guess!!!
CBox is Back!
Hey! I put my Chat Box back up. There's some old posts on it, but i still like it! lol.
I canot wait until Language class!!! It's so much fun! We get 2 periods there, one in the lcasss room and the other in the computer lab! WOOT! I love that set up.
I still am LOVING my lego set!!! BUT, on thing I forgot to tell you yesterday is:
Cleo is sick. Her kidneys are bad and so she spent the night an the animal hospital. They are going to try to help her but we might have to put her to sleep.
When my dad told he that I just said "Aww" aand left to go upstairs and build my Lego set. Not like i didn't care, i just really ddn't even want to think about it. But i did and I wound up crying a bit in my room, which is okay 'cause that's part of life. :( I am still sad, but I know Cleo has lived waaaaay long after her expected age. The thing is she's always been there, even before I was born, it's just weird.
I really hope she is okay. I want her to live, but at the same time i don't. I don't because she can't do taht much stuff, she has bad arthritis and is always aching........I don't know!!
But anyways, lets not think about the sad stuff. You can choose to be happy or you can choose to be sad. I CHOOSE TO BE HAPPY!! I am taking parts of my lego set to school, lol. In might be inside recess because it stormed last night.
I canot wait until Language class!!! It's so much fun! We get 2 periods there, one in the lcasss room and the other in the computer lab! WOOT! I love that set up.
I still am LOVING my lego set!!! BUT, on thing I forgot to tell you yesterday is:
Cleo is sick. Her kidneys are bad and so she spent the night an the animal hospital. They are going to try to help her but we might have to put her to sleep.
When my dad told he that I just said "Aww" aand left to go upstairs and build my Lego set. Not like i didn't care, i just really ddn't even want to think about it. But i did and I wound up crying a bit in my room, which is okay 'cause that's part of life. :( I am still sad, but I know Cleo has lived waaaaay long after her expected age. The thing is she's always been there, even before I was born, it's just weird.
I really hope she is okay. I want her to live, but at the same time i don't. I don't because she can't do taht much stuff, she has bad arthritis and is always aching........I don't know!!
But anyways, lets not think about the sad stuff. You can choose to be happy or you can choose to be sad. I CHOOSE TO BE HAPPY!! I am taking parts of my lego set to school, lol. In might be inside recess because it stormed last night.
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Short Story Rocket!
I LOVE SHORT STORY WRITING! It's so much fun. I am on my 4th page (not front and back)! I am hopping to have no more than 6 pages because I have to read it out loud, EEK! I love it, her's the very first part (NO ONE BETTER STEAL THIS!! THIS WAS WRITEN BY ME!):
"---I sat there in the small apartment building in my narrow room. The walls were bleak and white, so boring compared to my lime green room at home in Ohio. I turned around to see my hermit crab tank. “A big waist of money!” my dad always would say. I didn’t care, I loved my hermit crab, Racer.
Grose! I thought as I stared at the old crack in the ceiling. How ugly is that?
----We had just moved to New York City. “How fun!” you would think, living in the Big City. In my opinion, I prefer good ol’ Ohio. Beautiful trees, fields of green grass, the beautiful sun sets in the summer…"
Wonderful, isn't it!? GENIUS! Lol, okay, but I do really like it!! (I had to use the "---" becuase blogger won't, for some reason, indent! It's not like that orignally).
TODAY I GOT MY SPONGEBOB LEGO SET! Yes, I know, I am a girl, but I like spongebob and LEGOs are really cool.
Anyways, I g2g. I might read a bit, but first I might type a bit on YAHOO.
"---I sat there in the small apartment building in my narrow room. The walls were bleak and white, so boring compared to my lime green room at home in Ohio. I turned around to see my hermit crab tank. “A big waist of money!” my dad always would say. I didn’t care, I loved my hermit crab, Racer.
Grose! I thought as I stared at the old crack in the ceiling. How ugly is that?
----We had just moved to New York City. “How fun!” you would think, living in the Big City. In my opinion, I prefer good ol’ Ohio. Beautiful trees, fields of green grass, the beautiful sun sets in the summer…"
Wonderful, isn't it!? GENIUS! Lol, okay, but I do really like it!! (I had to use the "---" becuase blogger won't, for some reason, indent! It's not like that orignally).
TODAY I GOT MY SPONGEBOB LEGO SET! Yes, I know, I am a girl, but I like spongebob and LEGOs are really cool.
Anyways, I g2g. I might read a bit, but first I might type a bit on YAHOO.
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Hi! I am here agian, hello!!!
In language art class today we got to work on SHORT STORIES! I am soooo excited because we get to wirte one all our selves. I might post mine on here afterwards, but i might not because what if some one steals it and publishes it under THEIR name! STORY STEALERS! soooo, maybe i won't post it.
I am deciding whether or not to change my template to a shell/ocean theme? hmmm. Please comment me.
today i forgot my math work sheet HW at school, which is quite impossible BECAUSE at the very end of history class, i was working on it. Then i slipped it in my binder and NOW IT'S NOT THERE! BOO! I do n't know how that happened. Urgh. So anyways, Ellie, being the goodest and bestest friend (lol) sent me the problems that i hadn't done yet. YAY ELLIE BEAR!
In language art class today we got to work on SHORT STORIES! I am soooo excited because we get to wirte one all our selves. I might post mine on here afterwards, but i might not because what if some one steals it and publishes it under THEIR name! STORY STEALERS! soooo, maybe i won't post it.
I am deciding whether or not to change my template to a shell/ocean theme? hmmm. Please comment me.
today i forgot my math work sheet HW at school, which is quite impossible BECAUSE at the very end of history class, i was working on it. Then i slipped it in my binder and NOW IT'S NOT THERE! BOO! I do n't know how that happened. Urgh. So anyways, Ellie, being the goodest and bestest friend (lol) sent me the problems that i hadn't done yet. YAY ELLIE BEAR!
Sunday, September 24, 2006
WOOPDY-DOOO!!! Fall is here! Not quite officially in my mind, because the leaves aren't all orange and pretty yet, but on the calendar it says it's fall!! WEE! i love fall, it's my favorite season becaus ethe weather is so perfect for running around out side. On the plus side, i like gathering up leaved into piles and then lay in them, lol! Awww, i am so ready for fall.
----Btw, hello there! I haven't written in like a MONTH and i am sorry peoples! But i still love my blog! I am in a typing mood so i thought i might write in here.
----The Crabbies are still good and all....... well, actually, poor Gumbo is still in ISO, poor guy! He has no limbs. BUT, i know this sounds really strange, but he POOPED and i am soooo happy because he is eating!!! His antennaes (sp?) are messed up because some of the exo is still on them. ~~I really don't know how long he's going to live, but for now i am happy with him.
BREAKING NEWS!!!!! Jacob was supposed to give me a hermit crab on Wednesday and NEVER DID! The little twirp! I was sooo mad becasue he forgets to feed it and i KNOW he doesn't take care of it because he tells me about it. I AM SO MAD AT HIM! I try to talk to him about it on IM and he doesn't answer, or he blocks me, or he signs off. URAGGG! The crab is going to DIE because of HIM! HE MADE A DEAL! I am sooo mad and i have been for a week! I AM NEVER GOING TO GET OVER THIS! It makes me so o o o o o o o angry and mad and sad GEEEEEEEEEE!
Phew, i just had to vent, but i am still mad!!!!!
See yeah later, okay?
----Btw, hello there! I haven't written in like a MONTH and i am sorry peoples! But i still love my blog! I am in a typing mood so i thought i might write in here.
----The Crabbies are still good and all....... well, actually, poor Gumbo is still in ISO, poor guy! He has no limbs. BUT, i know this sounds really strange, but he POOPED and i am soooo happy because he is eating!!! His antennaes (sp?) are messed up because some of the exo is still on them. ~~I really don't know how long he's going to live, but for now i am happy with him.
BREAKING NEWS!!!!! Jacob was supposed to give me a hermit crab on Wednesday and NEVER DID! The little twirp! I was sooo mad becasue he forgets to feed it and i KNOW he doesn't take care of it because he tells me about it. I AM SO MAD AT HIM! I try to talk to him about it on IM and he doesn't answer, or he blocks me, or he signs off. URAGGG! The crab is going to DIE because of HIM! HE MADE A DEAL! I am sooo mad and i have been for a week! I AM NEVER GOING TO GET OVER THIS! It makes me so o o o o o o o angry and mad and sad GEEEEEEEEEE!
Phew, i just had to vent, but i am still mad!!!!!
See yeah later, okay?
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Lots of NEWS!
Hi! School started last week and i have been so busy!!! But, the newbie hermeis are doing good. I still don't have any pictures of Sprite. But GOOD NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SPRITE MOLTED! He is in ISO now finsihing his exo. He molted uesterday so he will be back in the 'tat by next week sometime.
Gumbo is not doing well. He tried to molt! He was burried for like 2 months. Then he wasn't moving. The he was on the surface his eyes pointed down, like he was either dying or trying to shed his exo. He tried shedding his skin for about 3 days, which was way too long. He never finished shedding and dropped all his limbs but 1 (i am guessing because he was just too weak to molt, it takes a lot of energy). I think he is really deformed since he was "stuck" in his exo for like, 3 days. I am so sad, I do not think he is going to make it....
Little Red molted! But stupid Qwerty (of all crabs!!!) took Little Red's shell. So I found LR naked but completly unharmed. He must not of gotten to eat ANY of his exo since Qwerty probably did. Now LR is in ISO as active as ever in a new green jade turbo!!! YAY! So everything is good. He is looking really healthy!
I have my first volleyball game tomorrow! Our team is ready, some people just have to work on passing, but we are getting good!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gumbo is not doing well. He tried to molt! He was burried for like 2 months. Then he wasn't moving. The he was on the surface his eyes pointed down, like he was either dying or trying to shed his exo. He tried shedding his skin for about 3 days, which was way too long. He never finished shedding and dropped all his limbs but 1 (i am guessing because he was just too weak to molt, it takes a lot of energy). I think he is really deformed since he was "stuck" in his exo for like, 3 days. I am so sad, I do not think he is going to make it....
Little Red molted! But stupid Qwerty (of all crabs!!!) took Little Red's shell. So I found LR naked but completly unharmed. He must not of gotten to eat ANY of his exo since Qwerty probably did. Now LR is in ISO as active as ever in a new green jade turbo!!! YAY! So everything is good. He is looking really healthy!
I have my first volleyball game tomorrow! Our team is ready, some people just have to work on passing, but we are getting good!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, August 14, 2006
BIG update

Well, i haven't posted in a while, so i thought i would post now.
About my friend, what happened was:
She called me up one day and said "Guess what I got!?" And i guessed, then she said "No! I got hermit crabs!" I didn't know what exactly to say....i mean, i was all so excited about this idea of her haveing hermit crabs. She doesn't even take care of the pet she has so---hermit crabs are so complex! But she said "I want you to come over, you know, to help me learn about them and everything!" I said "sure" and so: I came over the next day. Her crabs were adorable! So small and tiny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But right before i had to go home she says "I'm not sure if they are right for me" URG! I was so mad inside, I didn't say anything. I just half-smiled.
So in the car she asks me if I want them. I said sure (i DID want them, just I didn't want them in a way. I mean, this is her getting out of HER responsibility. *sighs*)
Now i have two beautiful and cute hermit crabs! They love their new home. Peanut and Squirt (Squirt is my friend's crab) are good friends now. Hehe.
The pic above is Squirt (Sprite, the other hermie, is dug down right now, but he did change shells). Here's another:

Aint he CUTE! Okay, well, i g2g to volleyball practice!!!! It's the first practice, woot!!
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Long time, no postie---kind of
HI! Wll, i haven't been here in a while, so hello! Horse camp was really great. i don't feel like typing that much. Hmf!!
Well, the crabs are good, I think Little Red and Hollywood are going to molt soon. The tank is getting DUG UP!!! Geez!!!
Omg! My friend got hermies the otehr day. The day after she buys them she said she didn't want them. *sigh* i might wind u[ having them (such cuties, they are! they are as small as Peanut!!!)
Well, the crabs are good, I think Little Red and Hollywood are going to molt soon. The tank is getting DUG UP!!! Geez!!!
Omg! My friend got hermies the otehr day. The day after she buys them she said she didn't want them. *sigh* i might wind u[ having them (such cuties, they are! they are as small as Peanut!!!)
Sunday, July 30, 2006
Saturday, July 29, 2006
I CANNOT believe I am going to horse camp tomorrow!!! I am WAY excited, OMG! I just want to go now! lol! I wonder what we will do when we get there, I mean, we'll probably be told what cabins we will be in and then choose our beds and stuff. Then what? We are getting there at 5 PM an that's only like....3-4 hours of daylight after that!
Hmm, oh well, I'll figure it out when i get there, lol
Hmm, oh well, I'll figure it out when i get there, lol
Friday, July 28, 2006
Gumbo in ISO

Ahh, yes---the crabbies! I redid their tank! I added some cool netting!
Isn't it neat-o!? I love it!! I took out the second level for now, and put in my old one and filled it with shells. Hollywood and Little Red have been up there already, fomr what I know.
Gumbo I moved into a 5 gallon ISO tank since he was burring him self SO MUCH. Anyways, as soon as i put him in he started duggin! He's made a whole, and not ONLY a hole but a tunel! It goes from the cocohut, turns left then right, and beside the corner of th ISO. I hope he actually molts, poor thing! I'll post some piccies soon.
HEYYYYY!!! Horse camp is on Sunday and i will be gone until the 6th of August, don't miss me too much while I'm gone, okay? lol! Well, I will have fun! I cannot wait! It's going to be a blast!!
I am finishing up the final packing. I am going to call my friend agian becuase her sis went to this horse camp last year and she knows what al to bring. I have A LOT OF STUFF I am bringing. It's a little embarrassing, but I know other kids are bringing just as much or even more. I am bringing like, 5 stuffed animals (sercretly, my parents don't really support that idea, lol). I mean, I HAVE TO HAVE THEM with me!! They stand for favorite people in my life like my best friend Ellie, my mom, my dad, my sister ect! ;) I think you get the idea. Anyway, I am bringing my journal with me too.
I have a camera I'm bringing for pictures. Oh yeah, and I am bringing my sleeping bag, 2 pillows and two blankets for personalizing my sleeping space (we get beds, woot!). I am soOOOooooOOOoOOoOOOooo excited I really cannot wait. I think we can mail our family and friends while we are there, I am not sure, I need to check.
Here's the camp's site: Marmon Vally Farm I am going to the Horsin' Around camp!
I am finishing up the final packing. I am going to call my friend agian becuase her sis went to this horse camp last year and she knows what al to bring. I have A LOT OF STUFF I am bringing. It's a little embarrassing, but I know other kids are bringing just as much or even more. I am bringing like, 5 stuffed animals (sercretly, my parents don't really support that idea, lol). I mean, I HAVE TO HAVE THEM with me!! They stand for favorite people in my life like my best friend Ellie, my mom, my dad, my sister ect! ;) I think you get the idea. Anyway, I am bringing my journal with me too.
I have a camera I'm bringing for pictures. Oh yeah, and I am bringing my sleeping bag, 2 pillows and two blankets for personalizing my sleeping space (we get beds, woot!). I am soOOOooooOOOoOOoOOOooo excited I really cannot wait. I think we can mail our family and friends while we are there, I am not sure, I need to check.
Here's the camp's site: Marmon Vally Farm I am going to the Horsin' Around camp!
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Sunday, July 23, 2006
X-tra pics
In love...
Okay, I can't help it! I am gettig SOOO attached to Oreo! I don't want him to leave me!! I want to keep him.
Today i was writing in my journal while i had Oreo out playing. He came up to me about 3 times to say hi. he sniffed the notebook and would run off to his little tunnel!! I am going to miss him bunches when he goes back to Ellie's. He's too cute. My mom, dad and sis are falling in ,love with him too. They all talk to him when they pass my room. Lol, it's funny to listen to them.
I am sitting in the computer room with the window open. I can feel a nice breeze coming in every so often. It's a little warm up here, but the breeeze feels good.
(I can smell some one BBQing!! ooo yummy!! I am getting humgry!)
My crabs are well. Oh yes!!!! I added a new secound level. I made it with these instructions from a member at HCAsso. ! Accept I doubled it. I will post pictures soon.
Well, bye for now!!
Today i was writing in my journal while i had Oreo out playing. He came up to me about 3 times to say hi. he sniffed the notebook and would run off to his little tunnel!! I am going to miss him bunches when he goes back to Ellie's. He's too cute. My mom, dad and sis are falling in ,love with him too. They all talk to him when they pass my room. Lol, it's funny to listen to them.
I am sitting in the computer room with the window open. I can feel a nice breeze coming in every so often. It's a little warm up here, but the breeeze feels good.
(I can smell some one BBQing!! ooo yummy!! I am getting humgry!)
My crabs are well. Oh yes!!!! I added a new secound level. I made it with these instructions from a member at HCAsso. ! Accept I doubled it. I will post pictures soon.
Well, bye for now!!
Thursday, July 20, 2006
More HCAdd. Ebay Stuff!
I still have a bunch of stuff I want from the Addiction Ebay Store!!! Here it is, I want the first and last ones REALLY BAD:
- Organic Boost Powder for Hermit Crab
- Mangrove Meal for Hermit Crab
- Krabby Trail Mix for Hermit Crab
- Medicinal Organic Bath for Hermit Crab
- Epicurean Hermit Crab Cuisine
Well, I need to save my money, don't I? Well, here it goes, I am saving today!!
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
hermit Crab Fod Wish List
Hey, I am bored, waiting for a reply on the HCAddiction.
Well, I went to the Addiction Ebay store and found a lot of stuff I like, so here it is:
Well, I went to the Addiction Ebay store and found a lot of stuff I like, so here it is:
- Scrumptious Sea Supper for Hermit Crab
- Organic Hibiscus Cuttlebone Treat
- Mini Viriaty Flower Pack #2 For Hermit Crab
- White Oak Bark for Hermit Crab
- Organic Variety Pack for Hermit Crab
Man, oh, man, I could sit here and name a million stuff, but I got to go to bed soon! So bye!
here's a video of Oreo (the guinea pig). CLICKITY-CLICK
sorry my posts are getting shorter, but there's notghing to say..
i am hot. it's so hot out side.
sorry my posts are getting shorter, but there's notghing to say..
i am hot. it's so hot out side.
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Monday, July 17, 2006
MY CAMERA IS LOST!!!!!!!!!!! I cannot find it!! ! ! ! ! ! I have looked every where. It had all the guinea pig pictures on it, poo! The member at HCAddiction want pictures of the guinea pig, lol, but I don't have the camera. I wonder where is POSSIBLY COULD BE!!!!
Well,, the crabs are out and about EATING more and stuff. I do n't know if they are all going to molt or what, but just about every time I look in the tank, some one is at the food dish!!
Yesterday I fed them some shrimp tails, yum! They LOVE them! I have bunches more in the freezer. I took them home after eating at T.G.I. Friday's. I had their shrimp (called Friday's Shrimp, how original!) YUMMY! One of the best shrimp around!
~Editor PS- the guinea pig is good!
Well,, the crabs are out and about EATING more and stuff. I do n't know if they are all going to molt or what, but just about every time I look in the tank, some one is at the food dish!!
Yesterday I fed them some shrimp tails, yum! They LOVE them! I have bunches more in the freezer. I took them home after eating at T.G.I. Friday's. I had their shrimp (called Friday's Shrimp, how original!) YUMMY! One of the best shrimp around!
~Editor PS- the guinea pig is good!
Saturday, July 15, 2006
Guinea PIg Sitting
Hello! I am babysitting a guinea pig. His name is Oreo. I've babysat him before, so this is my 2nd time. I have been busy playing with him and then before taht my cousin was over for a week so we were playing CD rom games on the computer. Lol, so it's been non-stop party.
I am really sad to say I hdon't have a clue what my crabs are doing. But I do see them almost every night eating at the food dish! They never seemed to do it THAT much like they do now! Qwerty has been so active, like you see him every where all the time!
My humdity isn't very high, 72 or 74%, I don't know why, though! Almost time for my to clean it up agian. I am going to have remove the beach sand this time....maybe I will bake it.
Thanks Cougar for the comment!! Yep, now you can post comments agian! WOO!
Well, so long for now!!! I will update later.
I am really sad to say I hdon't have a clue what my crabs are doing. But I do see them almost every night eating at the food dish! They never seemed to do it THAT much like they do now! Qwerty has been so active, like you see him every where all the time!
My humdity isn't very high, 72 or 74%, I don't know why, though! Almost time for my to clean it up agian. I am going to have remove the beach sand this time....maybe I will bake it.
Thanks Cougar for the comment!! Yep, now you can post comments agian! WOO!
Well, so long for now!!! I will update later.
Friday, July 07, 2006
Gumbo Moved, Agian..agian-agian...AGIAN!

I redid the tank (lol, I know, you must think I am crazy!!) agian.
Well I wil taking averything out i decided to see if Peanut was okay...I dug where I thought he would be and he wasn't there and I started freaking out. And before I lost it I dug him up...WAYYYYY of course from where I had thought he was! He hadn't molted..at least I don't think. I can't even tell with him, he's so small.
Here's some tank pictures: The cool 2nd level of wood:

Gumbo reburried him self AGIAN!! I am fine with that, but will he ever MOLT!? Gee crab!
Here he is burrying himself agian:

Yep. Little Red just had to get in that picture, lol.
So that's it for now. Oh, and btw, do you like my new template?
Thursday, July 06, 2006
My Molting Crabbies!
Well, I am very happy with the way Qwerty is regrowing his exo. No white spots and his legs are full and healthy looking. I am very happy for him!
Like I was saying before, Gumbo had burried him self all the way. I decided to block of the area where he was "molting". I used part of a CD case (it works great). But last night I went to check on them and I see the CD case pusshed over to the side a bit and Gumbo over by the water dishes!!! That crab is insane! I took out the CD case. I am out of idea with him. Who knows what he is doing, gee.
I was over a Target the other day. I went to the dollar section. There was a whole section for lobsters and crabs. It was platres and all that for eating them, but what the heck! I went ahead and bought this cutie bowl/plate thing:

I don't know what I am going to do with it yet, but I thought it was too cute!!
Anyways, Peanut is still under. I hope his cave didn't collaspe since Gumbo dug out sand on top of were he (Peanut) is molting....I am getting a little worried...
I am going to revamp the tank agian once Peanut comes up (hopefully that will be soon. He's a small crab, so maybe it won't take so long).
Like I was saying before, Gumbo had burried him self all the way. I decided to block of the area where he was "molting". I used part of a CD case (it works great). But last night I went to check on them and I see the CD case pusshed over to the side a bit and Gumbo over by the water dishes!!! That crab is insane! I took out the CD case. I am out of idea with him. Who knows what he is doing, gee.
I was over a Target the other day. I went to the dollar section. There was a whole section for lobsters and crabs. It was platres and all that for eating them, but what the heck! I went ahead and bought this cutie bowl/plate thing:

I don't know what I am going to do with it yet, but I thought it was too cute!!
Anyways, Peanut is still under. I hope his cave didn't collaspe since Gumbo dug out sand on top of were he (Peanut) is molting....I am getting a little worried...
I am going to revamp the tank agian once Peanut comes up (hopefully that will be soon. He's a small crab, so maybe it won't take so long).
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
I am Alive!!!
Hello! Sorry I haven't posting as often. I guess I haven't had much to say, but now I do!!
Well, Peanut is down molting, that little booger! Well......Gumbo has been trying to find molting spots all week. He moved from a cocohut, to another cocohut, then to another and NOW he found his spot, right by Peanut. Urg. I think it will be okay, they have a few inches of space between them. Here's some pictures (not really clear) of Gumbo:
He's right under the big piece of wood. 
Well, hope ya get the point. This morning I check the 'tat and he's now all the way under. You can't see him any more.
Well, last night I snpaed this one, also not a good pic, lol. I need to figure out how to take off the flash!

Here's Qwerty modeling for me.

Alrighty!! About the Ruggie, my mom is thinking about it (still).
Well, Peanut is down molting, that little booger! Well......Gumbo has been trying to find molting spots all week. He moved from a cocohut, to another cocohut, then to another and NOW he found his spot, right by Peanut. Urg. I think it will be okay, they have a few inches of space between them. Here's some pictures (not really clear) of Gumbo:

Well, hope ya get the point. This morning I check the 'tat and he's now all the way under. You can't see him any more.
Well, last night I snpaed this one, also not a good pic, lol. I need to figure out how to take off the flash!

Here's Qwerty modeling for me.

Alrighty!! About the Ruggie, my mom is thinking about it (still).
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Sorry I ahven't been around. I didn't really feel up to posting here. Anyways, the other day (maybe 2 or 3 days ago) I was over at Petland and there were SO MANY RUGGIES crawlign around! I ran out of the store and told my dad. I didn't getting one though. My mom doesnt' want more crabs. BUT I told (well, actaully I wrote her a note) abotu it. She said she will think abotu it. I hope she decides quickly!!
Well, I will tell you if I get any! AND I will take pics! OF COURSE!
Sorry I ahven't been around. I didn't really feel up to posting here. Anyways, the other day (maybe 2 or 3 days ago) I was over at Petland and there were SO MANY RUGGIES crawlign around! I ran out of the store and told my dad. I didn't getting one though. My mom doesnt' want more crabs. BUT I told (well, actaully I wrote her a note) abotu it. She said she will think abotu it. I hope she decides quickly!!
Well, I will tell you if I get any! AND I will take pics! OF COURSE!
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Some Neat-o Pics!
Hey! While on vacation I saw a lot of little coral reef crabbies in calm tide pools. Here are some pictures that I snapped:

I snapped a lot more, but they turned out blurry. :( There were lots of these little crabs!
Well, the crabs in my tank are doing good. They seem to like the beach sand. Gumbo is and has been in the cocohut (the one that is hanging down) for a while. Now he is (I think) in one of the cocohuts. there is a nice pile of sand out side of one. Let's hope he actually molts this time!!
Gumbo changed into a tapestry turbo. It looks great on him except he can fit all the well in it! His claws and legs stick out! I need to buy a large tapestry, the color looks great on him!!
Well, I got this idea from a member at HCP (Hermit Crab Paradise) to have a journal for just your crabs. A page would be assigned for each crab you own. Don't you think that's a good idea? I might try it. I have an extra notebook I could use!

I snapped a lot more, but they turned out blurry. :( There were lots of these little crabs!
Well, the crabs in my tank are doing good. They seem to like the beach sand. Gumbo is and has been in the cocohut (the one that is hanging down) for a while. Now he is (I think) in one of the cocohuts. there is a nice pile of sand out side of one. Let's hope he actually molts this time!!
Gumbo changed into a tapestry turbo. It looks great on him except he can fit all the well in it! His claws and legs stick out! I need to buy a large tapestry, the color looks great on him!!

Well, I got this idea from a member at HCP (Hermit Crab Paradise) to have a journal for just your crabs. A page would be assigned for each crab you own. Don't you think that's a good idea? I might try it. I have an extra notebook I could use!
Monday, June 26, 2006
Hello people! I am back from vacation! I had a lot of fun! I brought home some sand from the beach (*I baked it today!!) and some ocean water also. More abotu that later.
Well, when I first got home, UP TO THE CRABS! I had to check on them. I could only see three of them, Gumbo, Little Red, and Hollywood. I was going to search fro the other two (Peanut and Qwerty) but my mom wanted me to unload the car some more. Finally when I was done I checked out the tank. I found Peanut, don't remember where though. Then I found Qwerty, burried. I was a little shocked becuase he molted about a month ago so I didn't think he would go down any time soon. Then I unburried him, thinking I had messed up his little cave. To my surprise I see a VERY freshly motled Qwerty muching away at his exo. Looked like he had just finished molting a few hours ago (yeah, that fresh!). I hope he is all okay. I placed a cocohut over him. He reburried him self a bit but stupid Gumbo dug around in there SOOO I kicked out Gumbo and covered the cocohut entrence with a rock.
Well, I redid the tank and added the beach sand and ocean water to it:

See, to the left where there are rocks that's where the beach sand is (Gumbo burried himself over there in a corner). The cocohut with leaves aboce it is suposed to give the effect of a palm tree, lol.

SO MUCH MORE TO SAY but g2g eat dinner!
Well, when I first got home, UP TO THE CRABS! I had to check on them. I could only see three of them, Gumbo, Little Red, and Hollywood. I was going to search fro the other two (Peanut and Qwerty) but my mom wanted me to unload the car some more. Finally when I was done I checked out the tank. I found Peanut, don't remember where though. Then I found Qwerty, burried. I was a little shocked becuase he molted about a month ago so I didn't think he would go down any time soon. Then I unburried him, thinking I had messed up his little cave. To my surprise I see a VERY freshly motled Qwerty muching away at his exo. Looked like he had just finished molting a few hours ago (yeah, that fresh!). I hope he is all okay. I placed a cocohut over him. He reburried him self a bit but stupid Gumbo dug around in there SOOO I kicked out Gumbo and covered the cocohut entrence with a rock.
Well, I redid the tank and added the beach sand and ocean water to it:

See, to the left where there are rocks that's where the beach sand is (Gumbo burried himself over there in a corner). The cocohut with leaves aboce it is suposed to give the effect of a palm tree, lol.

SO MUCH MORE TO SAY but g2g eat dinner!
Thursday, June 15, 2006

WOOO-HOOO! I am so excited! I cannot wait until I am at the beach feeling the sand between my toes...!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. So wonderful . I am leaving tomorrow (June 16th) and i am coming back on June 25th, so I hope ya don't miss me. If I can find a computer with internet access (i doubt I will) I will post here, ok? Sound good?
Well, i froze all 8 bags of hermie food today, it was tirering! But I am happy I got it done.
Bye! I will be back on the 25th!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, June 12, 2006
Sunday, June 11, 2006

Well, I had a party for my crabbies yesterday. I made them a little town/mall area, lol. I added more last night, but anyways....Well, only three of the hermies, Hollywood, Little Red, and Qwerty, got to play in it because I couldn't find Peanut and Gumbo is possibly molting. But it was so much fun. It was like in the beginning when I just had three....lol.
<--The crabs are released:

They, of course, head straight for the JUNGLE gym (haha, get it?):

Little Red~


Little Red was teh first to excape!

more pics soon. these aren't all of them not even HALF of them! For soem reason I cannot put in any more on this post. COME BACK SOON!
I've Got More Pics!!
Well, Qwerty, as you may have noticed, is my most photo-genic hermie! He is always posing (as my mom puts it). Well, last night I finally got a good picture of Peanut in his newish shell:

That's the food that I made last night, it looked good to me! Peanut and Qwerty I saw eating it, so it must have been yummy (and very healthy).
Here's Qwerty eating some:
Here's Qwerty agian. It's not focused, sadly, because it would have been a good picture:

Well, that's it for now!!!
Saturday, June 10, 2006
Some 'Ta Pics!

Well, I got some pictures of the crabby tank! I saw Peanut, but then he freaked out and back up back into the cocohut. :( PEANUT! lol.
BTW, I re did the tank a few days ago, and I also rearranged my room!

Here's Little Red in the cocohut hidin' in his shell:
Feeding crabs coconut, rasberries, carrots, almonds, egg shells, peanut butter, apple sauce. I really wish I could have found the honey!
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