Well, i haven't posted in a while, so i thought i would post now.
About my friend, what happened was:
She called me up one day and said "Guess what I got!?" And i guessed, then she said "No! I got hermit crabs!" I didn't know what exactly to say....i mean, i was all so excited about this idea of her haveing hermit crabs. She doesn't even take care of the pet she has so---hermit crabs are so complex! But she said "I want you to come over, you know, to help me learn about them and everything!" I said "sure" and so: I came over the next day. Her crabs were adorable! So small and tiny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But right before i had to go home she says "I'm not sure if they are right for me" URG! I was so mad inside, I didn't say anything. I just half-smiled.
So in the car she asks me if I want them. I said sure (i DID want them, just I didn't want them in a way. I mean, this is her getting out of HER responsibility. *sighs*)
Now i have two beautiful and cute hermit crabs! They love their new home. Peanut and Squirt (Squirt is my friend's crab) are good friends now. Hehe.
The pic above is Squirt (Sprite, the other hermie, is dug down right now, but he did change shells). Here's another:

Aint he CUTE! Okay, well, i g2g to volleyball practice!!!! It's the first practice, woot!!
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