Sunday, April 30, 2006
The Chat Box
Well, I changed my mind about the chat box. I am going to use it for important hermie links and info sites. You can still post on it, and you can add your own favorite sites that RELATE TO HERMIT CRABS. Please, no bad comments. Thanks!
Saturday, April 29, 2006

Here's Little Red, it wouldn't focus on HIM, but the cocohut, lol! Oh well, you can still see him.
I don't know if Hollywood has found out about this cocohut, I have never seen huim in it, maybe he checked it out last night. =)

Okay, so here's some more of the fabolous Little Red. The stupid glass of the tank ruined this pic!
So there he is! He's probably muching on the moss. My crabbies seem to realy enjoy spanish moss! I think it looks cool.

So here to the left is the completed 2nd level. I am usuing a ruler covered in plastic gripping stuff wrapped in what I think is hemp.
I saw Hollywood climbing down the ramp last night. I've never seen Little Red climb up or down, but I have seen him up in the second level!
Yesterday was so nice and sunny! I had to take some pictures. Here's my best picture:
There's the lovely flower! They grow on our bushes out back (in our back yard, but the corner of my house, you can see!) I think it look pretty!
Thursday, April 27, 2006
I am saying hi!
Well, my b-day was yesterday! YEP! So I got lots of cool things I wanted. I will have to tell you about it this weekend, or tomorrow night when there's no school.
About my hermies: Well, Qwerty still is down! He rburried so I am think this time for sure he is actually shedding his exo. I was hoping he would come up on my b-day, but I guess he for got *wink*.
The second level is complete and so is the cocohut project! Picture's comeing soon!
Monday, April 24, 2006
A Quick Hi

To the left is my wonderful new 20 gallon!!! It has 2 ramps, and a new second level, 2 cocohuts, lots of plants, I think 3 or 4 food dishes, 1 water bowl (working on the second for salt water).

The crabs loves it!
The food they had that day was (I think) dandelions, apple, egg shell, chicken, almonds, strawberries + the leaves, and some lettuce.

Cruddy picture I know, and it looks so crowded, lol! But really it's not.
I will redo the tank agian after Peanut comes up from his molt, he dug down right in the middle of the tank! gee.
Here's the wonderful second level. It's under construction becuase I need a ladder for the crabs to come OUT of it, lol! Dont' want them getting stuck:

I think this is the same second level as what Amie has, now that I look at her picture! It's a good deal, it works great too!
----Ahh, I can't wait until me and my dad start the cocohut prject this evening! I will have to post more pictures! I am sure you don't mind!
Aso, if you haven't seen it, I have a little chat board to the right of the screen. It's there for visitors to use. So type type type!
Sunday, April 23, 2006
I NEED An Update!
I haven't updated in a while, Geez!!
I am so happy! The new 20 gallon is all set up, well, not "all", but mostly it is. I still have 2 areas in the tank that are under construction. I will post pictures as soon as I finish.
I bought a coconut today! I got this idea from HCA (Hermit Crab Association), from one of the members there: I (er---um...actually my dad) am going to drill a small hole in the coconut and let it drain out. Then, we are going to use a door knob saw thingie and cut in a door way. Notice i did NOT cut the coconut in half so it's just the whole coconut with a door! lol. Anyways, then the small hole that was dilled will be wear I put a suction cup hook through and hang it on the tank!
Yesterday we went to the thrift store. First I thought "UG, no way!" then: "Wait, junk=buy=make into treasures for hermies!". That's just what i did. I got 3 plastic picture frames, 2 alike that i glued together and made a ramp, so it looks like the pic to the left:
/ \ And the other frame I just let it be, so it's a ramp and plat form. Since it look so steep and I KNOW the crabs wouldn't be able to climb up, I glued on some sreening mesh! It works great! They really seem to like it.
Today I was over at Wal*Mart, and I bought a shower suction shelf thing. It works great also. It is in the shape of like a triangle and fits the the corner of the tank, so now i have a good second level.
I WILL be getting pictures!!
Thursday, April 20, 2006
I am Back!
So sorry i haven't posted in like, forever. I will give you a long story later, I have school work to do right now. :( Ick!
Promise I will update this week!
Sunday, April 16, 2006
Happy Easter
I woke up at 7:02 AM this morning. EASTER! I got a horse bag, candy, crabby socks (did I ever tell you I have a weird intrest in socks?), a cute shirt. All is good. Then we had a mini egg hunt. I got 2 dollars from that, yes! I need to go to Jack's Aquarium and Pets, they have bunches of shells. I want to buy some more, especially for Peanut.
~~Even going to Petland would be okay. THey have small shells selling for 99 cents.
I rearranged the crab tank this morning. It looks neat. I used my big peice of wood as a cliff, it looks awesome.
Now that I know I am getting a 20 gallon, I feel like my 10gal is like, it's hard to explain. Like my 10 gallon is nothing compared to a 20---something weird like that. Hope you know what I mean, although I doubt you would.
My b-day is in 9 days. WOW. That's really hard to believe. I can't wait!!! I might even be getting more LEGOs, which I love also. But I am most excited about my 20 gallon---*sighs*.
My dad says I already have so many shells. It's weird becasue I really don't, I have 9 right now. Compared to the other crabbers (people who own hermit crabs), they have like 20+! So...yeah. I still would really like more shells.
Maybe just maybe, I can get another hermie on my b-day. :) My limit for a 20 gallon (a limit I made up) is 7 or 8 crabs, I am going to check abou that on Hermit Crab Paradise and Hermit Crab Addiction, to see if that is okay.
Have a good Easter!
Saturday, April 15, 2006
I am Here
I haven't written in 2 days! Sorrya bout that. I have been on all the hermit crabs sites.
Everyone in the crab tank seems to want to molt! Little Red is starting to dig! Hollywood is always at the shell area, weird. I wonder if Qwerty molted yet?
I went to the Complete Petmart to look for shells for Peanut, they didn't have any really, just some in bags but they were too big. Plus, for 2 shells it cost $6.25! Eek. My dad saud they will probably go out of business soon, :(
Here I am, bored. Nothing going on lately, sorry!
Friday, April 14, 2006
Peanut Molting?
I think Peanut is molting. He is burried and has been for a few days! I hope it goes well, along with Qwerty if he hasn't molted yet.
Nothing really much to say. I will later, thanx.
Come back soon, I will update!
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Amazing Story
I was walking into my room, just to, be in there I guess. Anyways, I was kind of shocked: I saw Hollywood hanging off the rim of the tank (inside) with nothing below him! He must have crawled up the second level and scooted all the way down the rim! Anyways, I ran straight down stairs saying "camera-camera-camera!!" then realized the camera was upstairs in the computer room! LOL! Well, I got a few snaps:

Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Pictures Of Peanut!
Yes! I got the pictures! I am so sorry I haven't updated in a while. I noticed that this morning at exactly 7:09 AM, lol! Okay, for the pics...drum rolll please:

Ain't he a cute one?! It took for ever for him to peep out of his shell. He had started coming out but then i moved my finger and he went back in. He's gettikng use to me now, all of the shadows and stuff. Here's more pictures:

Peanut is now in the main tank with the other crabs! he seems to like it, which is a good sign I saw him out and about this morning at the food dish, so yep, he's still living! Glad to see Hollywood didn't attack him (I did give Peanut a bath with the other crabs the night before, so that's probably why). See how big the shell is? He has a hard time walking around with it on, so that's a definate sign of him needing a smaller shell, or one less heavy. See what I mean about his color? It's red, yet orange!

I wish the pictures were clearer, but I'm glad I have some!
Peanut sure loves the food I cut up for them. He is always at the food dish! I guess becuase he had been being fed yucky comercial food, anything must seem good.
Sunday, April 09, 2006
My dad and I went over to Meijer (if any of you people have it, it's a grocery store a lot like Walmart, but better). My dad was looking at some garnden siol stuff thingy, anyways, I was looking at the pet section, demanding in my mind that I will get a new hermie. I checked their crab tank..the same bad lay out: gravel every where, half the tank cover in water, a coco-fiber climbing wall, a shell full of comercial food. I was disapointed to see no hermies. I left for a while and went into the pet supplize area and look at their 20 gallons to see how their prices were. I came back to the tank and there was one little crabby there, "fighting" off the climbing well fibers. He was so cute! I thought maybe that their would be some more crabs behind the climbing wall. So I got a clerk person to unlock to tank area and open the tank up. There were a lot of crabs behind the wall! From sizes of dimes to a golf ball.
It was a little hard to choose...all those crabs suffering! I decided to go with the crab i first saw fighting the coconut fibers. So that's who's home with me now! I named him/her Peanut, isn't that a cute name? He's orangish/redish, but I believe he's a PP (Purple Pincer), his pincher is purple and the eye stalks look like PP kind.
---I would have loads of pictues, but Peanut is burrying himself, so I will leave him alone for now. He might be de-stressing and/or molting. Not sure, but he need to rest and got healthy. He has some tips of some of his "feet" off so he will need to regrow those. I LOVE Peanut, so cute! I will check the gender later, when I can. Yesterday (when he was unburried) I was trying to get him use to me picking him up off the ground (only lifted him about 3 inches, =D)
Hopefully Peanut will molt well and be able to join the big crabs. Maybe I will get Peanut a small buddy when I get the 20 gallon. Four crabs in a 10 gallon is more than enough!
Saturday, April 08, 2006
PS- pictures coming soon!
Does Anyone Agree?
I don't think Qwerty has started moulting yet. I hope he does soon, I don't like having to wait so long for them to moult! He's in the main tank...I had him in ISO, but he hates that (he dropped a limb once!) so I just leave him a lone. He's dug under, and there is no trace of him even being there unless you lift up the water dish or look under neath the tank.
I found this out a while ago, like a few weeks. But anyways, for any of you crabbers out there, having a section for all your extra shells works out a lot better than having them scatterded every where. I use to do that, and they didn't seem to touch any of the shells. Also, buting many shell types is so great! The hermies love it when I buy them new shells.

That there, is Apollo, my E I use to have! He was a really cute hermie, and he would venture almost anywhere, dispite his size. He was faster than my other crabs, lol! He died in February of what I believe to be a mold intake! He started molding when he was almost at death..which is weird because they didn't happen to my other 'past' crab (I will tell you about him below)
Here's Solatire, cute huh? In real life he was pure white with black eyes, not pinkish with red eyes like in the picture. This is the only picture I have of him. He was rescued from a SHELL BOX in the pet store. He had three legs, but

---If you look closely at the picture, into the CocoHut, you will see a white tip, that's Little Red's shell, lol.
Pet Store=New Hermies?
Yesterday I went over to my friend's house. She lives kind of 'out in the country', so it was a bit of a long ride. Wehn we got there we played with her two guines pigs, Sasha and Snuffles! They are so cute, both female and very beautiful! Snuffles has this really cute crest on his head (and obvious American Crested guinea pig, lol), Sasha is like a Dutch guinea pig, black and white with this cute little brown spot on her bum! =)
We brought them out side and sat in this swing that was way too small for both of us to sit in, let alone, with the guinea pigs too! It;s started to thunder and they sky was all gray and dark! We bot though "TORNADOE!" We tried to get unstuck from the swing, a very hard task when holding guinea pigs! We tried to run wit them in our hands, but they were bouncing like crazy.
We finally got inside and went on the computer (hollding this piggie, of course). It started to rain and there were tornadoe watches, which was pretty freaky.
Well, I am back at home now, sitting in the computer room, a little cold. I am going to a wedding today, not really on my 'want-to-do-this' list, but whatever. I will go, I have new shoes.
Last night I had a dream about tornadoes, ha, the second time this week!
Well, my crabs are digging! Hollywood is digging now, behind the wood piece. I spotted Qwerty under the water dish 2 days ago, in his little dug-out. Maybe he has started to molt now. I hope it goes well, I have been feeding them better than I use to, so maybe he will be healthy.
Check out Amie's Crabby Blog, she got 3 new E's, really cute hermies! Maybe I will get some new hermies on my b-day, I sure hope so. LOL, ya know what's funny? In my dream last night, my dad had moved all my crab stuff into a new 20 gallon! Yes, I am still really excited about getting one! It's going to be great.
Well, that's all for now, bye!
Thursday, April 06, 2006
Pictures Are Needed

Bath time! lol, this was taken a while ago. All the crabbie faces are non-visible. Did they do that one purpose? That's funny! I don't even remember taking this pic, but I obviously did.
Cute Little Red is scared, like he always is. Hollywood and Qwerty are both trying to excape the water.

Look at that one! I remember taking that picture. That was the first day I bought my big piece of wood, all the crabs rushed right onto it and behind it. Little Red in the background along with Qwerty climbing to the top.

This one (to the left) was also taken from the first day I bought the wood piece. Hollywood eventually got to the top, but on his way he knocked the plant off. :) He succeeded his journry.
Excitment is Raging!!
I am sooooo excited about the 20 gallon tank!!! It's a 20 gallon long, so it's almost twice as long as my ten. I can't wait! I need more money---I always do for hermie stuff. When ever I am saving money, I always wind up spending it on shells, or wood or small things like that instead of my real big goal. I am bad at saving money. I use to be really good at it!
I am too bored to right. I have to go study for some big huge history memory verse quiz over the WHOLE Lincoln's Gettysburg Address. Oh joy.
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
I can't believe it! it's so amazing! I will tell you further on.
My dad and I were driving to the doctors (to get me checked up) and he said "Want to go to PetsMart after this?" I was like "YEAH!!!"
---I had a new doctor, he is really nice. He let me swab (throat culture for all you smart people out there) my own throat! It didn't hurt like heck as it does when the doctors do it!
So we went to PetsMart and checked out their deal with groomer. We think it's cheaper than the place recomended by the vets office. It's still looks really good. The prices seem really goood, you get 2 baths, nails trimmed, brushed, teeth brushed, ears cleaned. Really nice!
I went over to the hermit crab section, hoping to talk my dad into getting a new hermie, he changed the subject so quickly. Urg. I saw this cuty hermie who's shell was bigger than Qwerty's, smaller than Hollywood's, and I picked him up, thinking i would see a nice sized crab, but actually, the hermie was so small! Smaller than Little Red! His shell was SO BIG on him, it was pittiful! My dad wouldn't let me get him, and I felt really bad for the hermie...!
BUT, here's the good part, we went over to the tank section and my dad said "So you want a 20 gallon?" I am like "YEAH!" think to my self, Well, I have been wanting one for a really long time! So he siad it would be a birthday gift! (YES! My birthday is soon, on the 26th). We even saw a good glass flip top to go with it, i think it cost $20. The tank was like $30 or something. I told my dad to check at Meijer becaue they probably have the tank selling for $20. i am so exceited!! I can't wait until my b-day gets here!! I will be counting down the days! 20 more days 9not included today because it's almost over)!!!
I will be getting ledd pricy gift this year because of the tank, but I don't care, a NEW TANK! My hermies will love it! OMGosh, I will need to save my money for new plants and those pricy climbers and, wait! I will probably get b-day money from relatives! O MAN! This is awesome! My crabs will be even more spoiled!
Wish List For New Tank
- UTH (Under Tank Heater)
- 2 More Plants
- More Extra Shells
- More Food Dishes (I can buy those now)
- Cool Climbers
I already have a lot of wood!!! All the stuff above is enough already! It's an estimate of $40! WOW! Hopefully a lot of b-day money is coming my way! One time i got like 34 bucks, that was so great. I am saving my money up agian! (I was saving for a UTH, but then I spent it one 2 new I still have like, 75 cents left, that's not enough for any crabbing supplize really!) OH yes, one more thing to the list:
- One to Two New Crabs
Ahhhh, my list is complete! My crabbies will be so excited!!!!!!!
That's all for now, see ya!
Staying Home
Does anyone out there really hate going to the doctors? I do!!
My hermies are less active right now, maybe because the weather is kind of chilly now. They seem to really like warm weather! Still, no one has touched the new shells besides Qwerty (or at least it looks like no one has touched them).
Today I would have had a quiz in history and Bible, homework due in science, and that's all. I want to stay home but yet want to go to school! Maybe later my dad and I will go shopping (my mom is at work), at PetsMart. They don't have as many animals there. Plus i would wait until I am healthy to go, I don't want to get the animals sick--if it's possible. I want another hermit crab, and PetsMart has the healthiest crabbies.
Not much else to say.
PS- maybe if we go to PetsMart we can get a new chew-toy for Daisy (our puppie). She is chewing a lot agian!
"Let's begin so we can
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Good News
Sometimes next week we are going to go to a wonderful grooming place, recomended by the Animal Hosiptal, and it's just down the road form my area! YAY!
---Cleo's legs are shaved, at least just the top of them, I call it the "Punck Rock" look, because, it does! It actually look good on her...! LOL!
About my hermies...No one has seems to touch the new shells since Qwerty's mini switch! I am surprized, maybe they haven't discovered them yet??? You would think they would have, the way the wreck the tank at night...oh well, maybe some other day they will switch!
Well, need to feed them!
-Editor PS- hopefully i will have some pictures to post on here agian, soon!
Monday, April 03, 2006
I am so bored, I hope Cleo is okay, that she isn't hurting. She never whines when she is hurt! She's so nice. If she was a person, wow, she would be the most humble person I know.
PS- Jacob, if you're reading this, just to let you know, it's not funny that Cleo's mouth is bleeding, it's serious. Stop laughing. (also, if you are a Jacob, but not that Jacob I am meaning to tell this to [believe me, he knows who he is], just ignore the message.)
The Pets
Well, Cleo's mouth is still bleeding on and off. I feel so bad for her! She is 15 years old (really old for a medium sized dog). She looks are scruffy and smells. I told dad that I would give her a bath yesterdy, he said "No, let's wait til is wamrer. 70 degrees or higher." I am so upset right now! It was 60 something yesterday, more than warm enough for a dog bath!!! And today when i said "Take her to the vet," (I more like demanded it) he said "i'm too emarrassed to take her! She looks terrible" (she pees on her self, she can't control it so her fur is all clumpy and smells). WELL, if I gave her a bath yesterday, would she look like that today?!? NO! HELLO! DING-DONG, any one home?! Gee! It's not roket science!
---Aw man! I just remembered, I have to finish this science project that seems too complecated for me, it's about space centers and all that stuff and all teh missions and stuff. *sighs*My dad is off to the vet, not sure with Cleo, but he's checking out what they could do for her.
I need to pray, i really hope there's some way to help her. My dad was talking about how they would "Have to gas her and do something, but at her age..." he didn't finish, I did "She might die!"
...It weird to think that this morning in my journal I wrote,
Today I fell extra happy.
Let's just leave it like that.
-Editor PS- hope the quote thing work, I bet it didn't, at least not how I wanted it to.
The All
Well, this morning was normal. came down stairs let the puppie in (i have two dogs, a puppie and a senior =D) I had blood on my tights, but didn't think much of it. Thought it was from Daisy (puppy), her teeth are coming in so they bleed sometimes.
Well, I came home and my dad said that Cleo's (senior pup) leg had blood on it. I was like, what?!?! She came out her doggie house and I saw that she had blood a little on the side of her face along with her leg! I cried because I was so worried about her. Then I saw her up close and saw her moth must have been bleeding, not her leg! She has this gum growth (harmless, it just get's in the way if it get so big, we've had it removed before, it came back anyways) and she must have bit it! I was so relieved it wasn't her leg. Like my dad says 'Mouth injuries heal quickly." which is true. She's all cleaned up now, yay! She looked like she had been in a battle the way blood (not a lot) was all down the front of her left side!!
So yes, yesterday I bought two pairs of shoes (on that shopping trip!). One for this wedding and the other just for school or what ever. I wore the school ones today and lots of people complamented on them! All the girly-girls (who are into all the fashion stuff, the rich people, or the people who act rich...!) liked them, it made me feel special, lol! Not really.
---Too bad my friend was sick today with a cold, she has asthma and it makes it worse. =( But i called her and she is getting better!
Well, not much happening in hermie land. The tank is kind of quiet. Kind of. Qwerty is in his favprite spot on the drift wood. LOL! Silly crab.
I have some revange to do ;) back later.
Sunday, April 02, 2006
Shell Change...Or Not!
Hollywood is still in his new shell, he really must like it! I do too, it's really good looking on him. Little Red is still in his normal shell, maybe he will try the new ones on.
All my hermies were out and about today when I walked in! They must sense spring, they have been more active now that the weather has been warmer. (which is a relief, now I have more time to save money for a UTH [Under Tank Heater] with out worrying about my crabs freezing!!)
----I am really glad I didn't spend my money on make-up, I really enjoy having more shells for my hermies to choose from. They must really enjoy it too, they have been trying them on! LOL! Oh yes, did I tell you I saw the shell switch Qwerty made? It was cool. I have seen him go into a shell before, but not out of one. It looked neat.
I haven't updated Free Webs in a while, not really.
Bye for now!
New Shells
Good news, I checked over at Petland today, while on a shipping trip with my mom and sister. It was great, they actually listened to me!!! They now have water in their water bowls, and have lots of food (I don't how good the food is, but it wasn't that weird yellow powder, it was like, Oatmeal looking, still, it's food!). The clerk there was really nice. He was almost 50 (he said that when he was twlking with my mom), but he look like 40. Anyways, he showed me how he fed the Albino Frogs (check this out, their the white frogs:, he fed them live fish!!! The fishies were cute, but it was fun to watch the frogs jump at them and eat 'em whole!
Well, the clerk, my mom, and I all talked about the hermit crabs and what all they need and stuff and what they SHOULD be doing (the humidity and stuff). He listened. we told him about the painted shells and how they are bad. He said he had no control over that (but I don't rememeber, he might of said he will tell the manager about it, I don't know.) It was cool. Hopefully I can work there sometime with the crabs when I am older.
----I did buy 2 new shells, one kind of like this:
and another like this:
Hope my hermies like them. i have to go, bye!
Saturday, April 01, 2006
Well, first off, do you like the purple template? I do, there were two other ones i erally like, but I couldn't get them to work! One was beack themed with shells in the background (I really would have liked that one, it went with hermit crabs perfectly) and the other was colorful stripes! Oh well, I will stick to this one for now!
Oh yes, here's those pictures, the new plant o

I know, it's all bent, that was because of me, I was trying to get it to fit in the storage box! =D
They are a nice size, I cut them to fit the way I wanted them to.
Here's the tank, it's looked cooler other times, but i didn't feel like fiddling around with it, so I practically just threw the leaves in:

I really enjoy wood, and lots of it, my crabs eat it and climb on it an hide behind it. I would
say it would almost be perfect, except for
some people it molds, and drift wod some- times falls apart! But I really like it. OooOo, now I see that the picture really is at a horrid angle, sorry about that! Maybe once we recharge the batteries in the camera, I can retake the pictures.
Okay, now I am done blogging for a while today.
Here they are, the clickable ones:
Amie's crabby Page:
Crab Street Journal:
*Hermit Crab Addiction [Forums]:
Hermit Crab Paradise:
Hermit Crab Association:
Crab In The Coco Hut:
Epicurean Hermit:
Crabby Talk:
Naple's Sea Shell Co.(not on the list):
Sorry about all that, but I hope that helps! Please leaves comments if there are any more that should be added! Thank you! (please, only hermit crab themed links!)
My Tank
Yesterday I went to the Dollar Tree (where everything costs $1). I bought some cool plants. They are like palm tree leaves, they're fake though.
I will show you pictures later, the darn picture botton isn't working!!!
Well, that's all for now!