Sunday, April 02, 2006

Shell Change...Or Not!

Well, Qwerty did change into the Turbo, he must not of liked it, and he changed back to his old shell. I like the Turbo better than his other shell (a type of Babylon shell). It's a better fit on him the other one it s bit too big, maybe he likes it that way. He would also look good in the other new shell, but, I don't know if he has tried it on yet!

Hollywood is still in his new shell, he really must like it! I do too, it's really good looking on him. Little Red is still in his normal shell, maybe he will try the new ones on.

All my hermies were out and about today when I walked in! They must sense spring, they have been more active now that the weather has been warmer. (which is a relief, now I have more time to save money for a UTH [Under Tank Heater] with out worrying about my crabs freezing!!)
----I am really glad I didn't spend my money on make-up, I really enjoy having more shells for my hermies to choose from. They must really enjoy it too, they have been trying them on! LOL! Oh yes, did I tell you I saw the shell switch Qwerty made? It was cool. I have seen him go into a shell before, but not out of one. It looked neat.


I haven't updated Free Webs in a while, not really.

Bye for now!

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