WOO! It's the summer now! YES! Yesterday I slept over at my friend's house. We played with her guinea pigs! We put them in our sleeping bags and they really liked it. They wouldn't want to come out. It was really fun.
I never really talked about guinea pigs on here before, but I really love them. I've wanted them for like, a year and a half! My parents (my mom, actually) doesn't want one!!! :( But I am happy because I get to baby sit my friend's (not the one I slept over at) piggie! I've done it before, it's so much fun. My mom actually didn't mind him being there. His name is Oreo. My friend doesn't really play with him, only when I come over. :( So I am going to give him lots of floor time so he can get some excersise! I will be sure to take lots of pictures on post them here, he's going to be over here for 2 whole weeks!!!
Here's a picture of Qwerty I took about a week ago:

He climbed up the peice of choya! LOL!
Peanut is at the bottom, you can barely see him.
OH YEAH! Peanut changed shells!!! He's in a blue/green turbo! It's too big for him (which annoys me becuase there are tons of other shells that are EXACTLY THE SAME that are the right size in the tank) I'll try to get some pictures of him.
My friend (the one I slept over at) and I went to Petland yesterday. We held the bunnies and piggies and looked at the hermies (which, by the way, were in horribly condition, AS ALWAYS!) One on the cats threw up and I told a clerk guy. It took him forever to get off his computer and clean it up, poor kitty!! And One of the birds flew out of the cage thing so I had to go tell a clerk girl and she caught it.
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