Thursday, November 16, 2006

I made this limerick about a guinea pig:

Hula-ing Cavy-----By ME!
There once was a cavy named Lance
He loved to sing and to dance
He sang and he swayed
And much was he paid
That hula-ing cavy named Lance
Well, I am bored!!!!!!! Well, not really. I could study for history...(county quiz/test tomorrow) and I could look over Bible(some huge test after thanksgiving, long ways away)....I could start my book report paper (due sometime in January I think, maybe Dec.)....I could read...I COULD DO A LOT OF STUFF!!!!!!!!
Bye for now, g2g. I need to take a shower.
O H!!!!!!!!!! I O!!!!!!!!!!! O H!!!!!!!!!! I O!!!!!!!!!!!! GO BUCKS!!!! *ROOOOOARRR*

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