Wednesday, June 07, 2006


YAY! I am so happy! I found Hollywood today, still in the cocohut, but he was pale! YES! He has finally molted. It's weird, because I see, NO EXO laying around! Maybe he's been "molted" for a while and I didn't know... The picture isn't all that great, but I was just trying to snap one real quick before he moved. Anyways, Little Red is still under....

*runs to check Little Red*

Yep, still under, but I don't see any exo left over so maybe he will come up tomorrow or over the weekend or something! I hope so!!!!

I wonder if Gumbo has shedded his exo yet??? He's still burried in the cocohut, I can see him though. :) He didn't burry himself very well. Also, earlier I was wondering how well Hollywood and Gumbo will get along?? I can just imagin a shell fight! Hollywood has a really cool spiky Pink Virgin shell on and Gumbo has a plain Whale's Eye shell...Well, let's just hope they can get a long.

Well, bye!!

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