Friday, June 02, 2006

I'm At School!!

HI!!! I am at school! It's the last day! We were supposed to go to a water park, but it rained, and it's all yucky out sade so now we have to go to a indoor pool! It's so small and it's not taht fun, well, I am still thankful we can still swim. We can do other things besides swim, like, there's a game room and stuff. I still rather go to the water park!!!

It's also pretty cool outside, so that's another bummer!! :( But hey! It the last day of shcool, I should be happy.

I brought my crab stuffed animal, lol, his name is Claude! He's so cute. Oh yeah, i am sleeping over at Kayanna's tonight! I can't wait! It's gonna be fun.

Well, I am gonna go, bye!

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