Friday, July 28, 2006


HEYYYYY!!! Horse camp is on Sunday and i will be gone until the 6th of August, don't miss me too much while I'm gone, okay? lol! Well, I will have fun! I cannot wait! It's going to be a blast!!

I am finishing up the final packing. I am going to call my friend agian becuase her sis went to this horse camp last year and she knows what al to bring. I have A LOT OF STUFF I am bringing. It's a little embarrassing, but I know other kids are bringing just as much or even more. I am bringing like, 5 stuffed animals (sercretly, my parents don't really support that idea, lol). I mean, I HAVE TO HAVE THEM with me!! They stand for favorite people in my life like my best friend Ellie, my mom, my dad, my sister ect! ;) I think you get the idea. Anyway, I am bringing my journal with me too.

I have a camera I'm bringing for pictures. Oh yeah, and I am bringing my sleeping bag, 2 pillows and two blankets for personalizing my sleeping space (we get beds, woot!). I am soOOOooooOOOoOOoOOOooo excited I really cannot wait. I think we can mail our family and friends while we are there, I am not sure, I need to check.

Here's the camp's site:
Marmon Vally Farm I am going to the Horsin' Around camp!

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