Saturday, May 20, 2006

Eco Earth: Brought To Attention!

Hello, I was browsing on HCA and found a post on a thread that seemed important. It is about Eco Eath, aka EE. Here it is:

"Forest Bed from TRexForest Bed - TRex Expandable Substrate. Pure Coconut Fibers, 100% Organic. Highly Absorbent, Control odors. Easily spot cleaned. Non Toxic and Pest Free. Forest Bed is an expandable substrate perfect for tropical type vivaria. Compressed for easy storage, Forest Bed will expand in water to nearly 8 times the bedding material. Forest Bed has an incredible capacity for holding moisture is non-toxic and odorless. Mfg: T-Rex T-Rex Products Size: 4 x 8 x 2 inches For: Reptiles, Amphibians, Hermit Crabs, turtles
It really doesn't matter what brand of bedding it is so long as it is 100% COCONUT FIBER!!! Unfortunately, ECO EARTH has stopped indicating that it is 100% coconut fiber, it is still mostly coconut fiber, but there is other deliterous material mixed in! SuperPets sells the improper kind since the new year, as I found out by buying some. You will notice that it is a much lighter and redder color than 100% coconut fiber! "

This was quoted from "ChestersMom" under the thread in Emergency called "Rash of Bacterial Infections - Melafix Cautionary Statement."
.Please click link to see the thread.

Anyways, I decided to change the font of this post for once.

I saw Peanut up and eating his exo yesterday night!! It was cool, so he is still doign well. I have some fresh water for him. I need to find another dish for the salt water...!

Yesterday I moved my tank a bit so I cold see under it. I DID see Little Red in his hole, how cute. A few days ago Hollywood Dug even more in his hole and now like HALF of the cocohut it covered in sand! He's going to have to dig a lot to get out!!

I saw a small glance of Gumbo/Pancho yesterday. But that was it. He was coming out of the coconut hut.

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