Saturday, May 13, 2006

i can't wait!

YAY! I can't wait! Tomorrow I will be getting at least one new crab. I am hoping to get 2 more, actually (one for Hollywood and one for Peanut). I was over at Petland today and all they had were Ruggies, which, I don't want because of our weather where I live is so "up-and-downish".

Tomorrow I will go to Petsmart, they have all PPs, small and large, they have pretty good conditions, although their humdity is low, 40%. Still, they try. So I will be going there soon! I can't wait! I want them NOW, lol.
I will have to get pictures, we put in new batteries for the camera so it's already to go.

The bonding "classes" with Qwerty is really working! I have had him out about4 times today, and he is getting use to me. He likes climbing up my arm which makes me nervous that he'll fall. And he did, but I was sitting down on the floor so he didn't really even seem to care. Now he walks right onto my hand.
OOoOO! This is a funny story. Okay, I had Qwerty out and he was on the flor and I layed my hand down in front of him. He turned around and moved his eye stalks so they were looking at my hand and started walking that way. So then he got to my hand, put 2 legs on them truned around and left me! I was dissed by my own crab! lol! It was really funny.


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